The Amulet of Avalor

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Sofia was back in her bedroom, laying on her bed and looking very worried. She had found her animal friends in the garden, but unfortunately was not able to convince any of them to help. Especially Clover, who pretty much wanted to have nothing to do with Cedric. She had run over to the sorcerer's workshop to apologize to him and Myra for this, but had hesitated on coming in when she heard loud noises on the other side of the door. Leaning her ear against the door, she could hear Myra and Cedric arguing, Cedric seeming to do most of the yelling. A little frightened by all the shouting, she had run back to her bedroom, hoping that Myra and Cedric were alright.

Myra knocked on the door softly. "Sofia..?" She asked quietly. "Can I hang out with you, please..? I messed up and I don't think Mr. Cedric wants to see me anymore.." She sniffled.

Upon hearing Myra at her door, she leapt out of bed and ran for the door, pulling it open. Immediately, she wrapped her arms tightly around the older princess, hugging her. "I'm so sorry you and Mr. Cedric got into a fight!" she blurted without any explanation as to how she even knew this.

"...How did- How did you know that..?" She asked, hesitantly hugging back. She was glad she didn't have to explain what happened, though.

Sofia was silent for a few seconds as she continued to hug Myra, then let go of her and took a couple steps back. Clasping her hands in front of her, she shyly looked up at the older princess. "I came up to tell you and Mr. Cedric that none of my animal friends wanted to help, but then I overheard you two arguing. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop." She fell quiet for a few seconds, looking like she was thinking about something. "I've never heard Mr. Cedric get that mad before," she said quietly. "What happened?"

"I was a jerk.." She admitted. "A bad jerk.. Then I got mad because he got mad and he raised his voice at me and I started crying, and.. He said I should go so we could have time to cool off.." She told her. Not a great description of what happened, but it worked well enough to give Sofia an idea, she thought.

Sofia listened carefully to Myra's description of what happened in the workshop, trying her best to understand it. Although the explanation did leave the child a little confused. But she at least got the picture. "It doesn't sound like he doesn't want to see you anymore," said Sofia, trying to cheer the older girl up. "Maybe tomorrow you could go back and apologize to him. I'm sure both of you will be feeling much better then," she suggested.

Cedric finished with Myra's portion of the potion and put both bottles in the potion cupboard for safe keeping. He then walked back over to his desk and sat down, laying his head in his hands. "Well that went well," he muttered aloud to himself. The argument played over in his head after she left, thinking about how that could have gone better. Two days and he was already certain he had just lost his new friend. "You don't think I was too harsh with her, do you?" he asked Wormwood, turning around to face the raven. He was still a little excited over the fact that he could now talk to his familiar and have him actually answer back, but that excitement was nulled by the argument between him and Myra.

"Maybe.." She nodded. "...I might give him another day, though.. Maybe he'll forget some of the awful things I said.. He probably won't, but it's worth a shot.." She shrugged. "...I'm sorry you had to hear that.."

"Possibly," Wormwood said. "But to be fair, she wasn't being too kind either. Do you believe she'll be back tomorrow?" He asked. "She should since she still needs to retrieve her portion of the speaking potion.."

Sofia patted Myra on the arm in a comforting manner. "I'm your friend. You don't have to be sorry about telling me anything. A good friend will always be there to listen and lend a hand," Sofia smiled up at her. Myra hadn't said anything before about saying mean things to Cedric, and this surprised the little princess since Myra seemed so nice, but she didn't let it show. She understood that people who were hurting could do some mean things sometimes.

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