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The sound of footsteps in the grass approaching them caused him to sit up straight in surprise. He was about to quickly swipe the flower crown off his head when he saw the intruder was none other than Sofia. She was about to walk past the gazebo, a basket in her hands, when she noticed the pair.

"Hi, Mr. Cedric! Hi, Myra!" she happily greeted them, skipping up to the gazebo. Cedric relaxed when he saw it was only her. Had it been anyone else, he certainly would have removed the crown, but he didn't mind Sofia seeing him like this. "Those are beautiful flower crowns!" she commented. "They make you both look so pretty!" And now he minded it, feeling a little embarrassed at her compliment.

"Aw, thanks! I'd be more than happy to make you one if you wanted?" She suggested. She didn't really mind Sofia being there either, but she wished they could have had some more time alone. But know what? This is fine.

"Really? I would love that! Thank you, Myra!" Sofia stepped inside the gazebo and sat down next to the older princess, swinging her legs back and forth. She was completely unaware that she was intruding on Myra's alone time with Cedric, being only an innocent child.

"Princess Sofia, why exactly are you here?" he asked the young princess, slightly annoyed with the interruption. Though Sofia didn't seem to notice as she was used to his grumpy attitude.

"I came out here to pick some blueberries for Clover," she explained, holding up her basket as if that were proof. "But then I saw you two over here and thought I'd say hi." She looked up at the woman sitting next to her and leaned in close. "Have you told him yet?" she whispered.

"No-.." She whispered back. "Could you do it for me?" She asked, then casually looked back at Cedric like they weren't just whispering in front of him-

Cedric stared at them curiously as the two girls whispered to each other right in front of him. If they thought they were being secretive, they were wrong. "Tell me what, exactly?" he asked with his arms crossed. He had overheard Sofia's question since he wasn't sitting very far from them.

"I dunno!-" Myra shrugged, smiling nervously. "Oh, hey- Is that my parents calling? I should probably see what they want.." She got up, starting to walk away.

"Myra, wait!" Sofia called as she started to run after her, leaving her basket behind on the bench. Cedric stood up, and made to go after her as well, but stopped. He was very confused and curious now as to what her and Sofia had been whispering about that he couldn't know. Whatever it was, it was obviously of great secrecy to the princess if she felt the need to come up with such a cliche lie to escape from him. But still, he did not feel the need to stop her. If she didn't want to talk to him, he couldn't force her to. Instead he decided to head back to his workshop, letting her have some time alone. He figured he would probably be seeing her back up there eventually anyway. They still had to test the speaking potion later after all.

Meanwhile, Sofia had caught up to her, grabbing a hold of her hand to stop her from walking further off. "Are you alright?" she asked her. "What happened?" Sofia didn't understand why Myra didn't just tell Cedric how she felt.

Myra whined a little and looked at Sofia. "I'm afraid he won't feel the same and then it'll just be awkward when I'm around him.." She explained, sighing. "And the last time I liked someone, my dad found out and I haven't seen that boy since.. I'm just scared.."

"Oh. That's a big problem," said Sofia, frowning at Myra's situation. It was more complicated than she thought, thinking she was just scared to tell Cedric like she explained. But then she mentioned the issue with her father, which definitely complicated things. "It's okay to be scared, Myra," the little girl reassured her. "You're right. Mr. Cedric might not feel the same way, but you'll never know unless you tell him." She grabbed Myra's arm, trying to lead her back to the gazebo. "But if you're worried about what your parents might think, why not have them hang around him for a while?" she suggested. "Then they can get to know him, and maybe they'll let you two be together!" To Sofia, this seemed like the perfect plan to solve Myra's problem.

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