I Wish I Were a Boy

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I wish I were a boy
So I wouldn't have to bind my chest
I wish I were a boy
So I could were eyeliner and look cool
I wish I were a boy
So I wouldn't bruise my ribs to be flat
I wish I were a boy
So I could dress my way without being seen as "she"
I wish I were a boy
So I could have the deep voice that girls drool over
I wish I were a boy
So I could swim without my top on
I wish I were a boy
So I could be confident outside
I wish I were a boy
Where a group of kids look at me and say, that's who I want to be
I wish I were a boy
And didn't have to try so hart so be seen as who I am
I wish I were a boy
With the cute soft hair everyone always dreams of
I wish I were a boy
With at least 5'10 on me
I wish I were a boy
With a sharp jawline that could cut diamonds
I wish I were a boy
With just enough of a beard to be cute
I wish I were a boy
With broad shoulders
I wish I were a boy
With a strong build so that people ask me for help lifting things
I wish I were a boy
Without having to hurt myself to look the part
I wish I were a boy
So I could be happy
I wish I were a boy
Where I could sound the way I imagine it to be
I wish I were a boy
When I could where dresses but still be seen a a dude
I wish I were a boy
That could wear mesh tops without it being illegal
I wish I were a boy
So I could wear crop tops without my chest showing
I wish I were a boy
So I could have people touch by back without fear of them feeling my binder
I wish I were a boy
So I could where those real douchy vests
I wish I were a boy
So I could look in the mirror and not break down
I wish I were a boy
So I can wear button downs without anything underneath
I wish I were a boy
So I can hug people without fear of my chest
I wish I were a boy
So I could feel material on my back
I wish I were a boy
So I wouldn't go to sleep and wake up feeling naked without a binder
I wish I were a boy
So I wouldn't get really bad dysphoria when I get my period
I wish I were a boy
So I could not have permanent marks from my binder
I wish I were a boy
So my body would feel like home
But I'm in a girls body
And I can't change that
Im in a girls body
And that is what everyone sees
Im in a girls body
And I don't have have the choice to change
Im in a girls body
And I have a chest that can't be hidden
Im in a girls body
And I have a round face
Im in a girls body
With no stubble
Im in a girls body
With a girl build
Im in a girls body
With a high pitched voice
Im in a girls body
With a measly 5'4
Im in a girls body
With a fashion sense that makes it look like I am a girl
Im in a girls body
And can't wear eyeliner because instead of looking cool I look female
Im in a girls body
And I can't go without a top
Im in a girls body
And have to bruise my ribs to try appear different
Im in a girls body
And have to change everything to feel like me
Im in a girls body
And that's how I'm treated
Im in a girls body
And that's not right
Im in a girls body
And some poor girl is stuck in my male body
And I wish I were a boy

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