Should I?

8 3 0

Should I come out?

I will

I might

No I lost confidence

Google "how to come out"

Script it?



My own gender reveal party?

Just tell them and run?


I'll do it next week

*1 week later*


I'll do it next week

*1 week later*


I'll do it next week

Google "coming out stories"

"Hey mum, dad,

Did you know that someone at school came out as trans"

Que the questions and mixed messages

They don't hate the idea of them being trans

But they don't seem to be supportive either

Ya know what

I'll tell my friends first

They will support me

 I know it

"Im trans

My pronouns are he/him

And my name is Parker"

Turns out

I just lost a friend

My trust

My hope

And all motivation

Now I believe

I have a permanent residence in the closet

Never to leave the comfort

The security

And to live in someone else's body

Now living in fear

As someone else

Hidden from the world

Its been years

And I can't take the misgendering

Every word pains my soul

My heart

My head

So its time to come out

Whether this ruins me and my relationships

Or my life

I feel better knowing I'm me

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