You Said You Cared

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You said you cared

You said you cared about me
You said you were there for me
You said I could tell you anything
Because you care

But do you care enough to notice my scars
The one's ingrained into my soul
The ones that have been bleeding from my heart
The ones on my wrists
The ones on my chest

Do you care enough to notice how I try not to cry whenever you speak to me
Do you care enough to notice my cries for help
Do you care enough to notice how far gone I am into my own rabbit hole
Do you care enough to actually listen
Or do you only care enough to tell me that you care

Do you care enough to see I'm dying
Do you care enough to see you are killing your son
Do you care enough to know that when you are yelling at me I am planning my own funeral
Do you care enough to let me talk to you
Or only enough to yell at me that no one cares

You said you cared
But did you care enough to help me live

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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