Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 People of your generation may not understand~...

    Who made you the daughter of Ning Dazhan... Ning

    Sese closed the door and left, her expression dim, still puzzled.

    This is the reason why Yu Heng doesn't like her? But why does her father make him so annoying, even angering her.

    You must know that Ning Dazhan died unexpectedly that year. Although he did not die while working for the Yu family, the Yu family still missed him. Not only did they pay compensation, Song Fangyu, the nanny, was also like a housekeeper at the Yu family. Allow Ning Sese to live at home and let her and Yu Qianjin go to the best school together.

    Judging from the attitude of the Yu family and his wife, they are not like Ning Dazhan at fault. What is the matter? The Yu family and his wife don't know, only Yu Heng knows?

    Ning Sese couldn't figure it out, but she didn't bother to think about it.

    Before, she thought it was Yu Heng who misunderstood that she hated her so much, so she thought it would be better to solve it, but now it seems that the root of this problem is not in her, so forget it, she just stay away from Yu Heng.

    The most urgent task is to work to earn money, so that she will leave Yu's house in the future and Song Fangyu will be able to maintain her life and continue her studies regardless of her.

    Ning Sese nodded, his back gradually moving away.

    Inside the door.

    Yu Heng looked at the direction she was leaving, thoughtfully.

    Since he could see that Ning Sese was designed for this matter, he could probably also guess who would be who designed him and Ning Sese at the same time.

    No matter how you think, Song Fangyu's problems are big.

    It's a pity that I couldn't get the evidence. My sister tried her best to defend it. She was worried that her sister was accustomed to Song Fangyu's care.

    Thinking of this, Yu Heng took out his mobile phone and made a call.


    many days after that, Song Fangyu knew that she was dangerous this time, so he was quite settled for a while, and Yu Qianjin's illness was still not cured, and he did not ask for trouble.

    No one was staring at Ning Sese. After cleaning with one key every morning, she went back to the attic to do her own thing, not to mention how chic her life was.

    Soon, the winter vacation came to an end, and the school was about to start.

    Ning Sese’s birthday at the end of April is two months old. She was supposed to be in her third year of high school, but when she first transferred to Yuancheng City No. 1 High School, she couldn't keep up with the progress. .

    Yu Qianjin's date of birth was within a few days from her, but due to physical reasons, she went abroad for a year for recuperation when she was in junior high school, so she also stayed at the first level and was in her second year of high school.

    The night before school started, Ning Se was bitter, studying more seriously than ever before.

    "Our school is super strict. The first day of school requires a full science test, and the ranking will be announced like a monthly test. I feel so

    unsure ." Ning Sese complained as he brushed the questions.

    Since the last banquet, she has often talked with Mr. Bo by voice, mainly because it is much more convenient to talk about topics than to type.

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