Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 She is eighteen years old. (1)

    If it weren't for the swimming pool where people came and went, Ning Sese even wanted to hug her knees and squat into a ball.

    Thinking of the man who just looked at him from a distance in just a few seconds, she had already vaguely guessed his identity from the discussion of the girls around, and coupled with an inexplicable intuition, she quickly combined him with Mr. Bo The number is on.

    But at this time, once she connected the man in the hallway with the voice from the phone, she still felt that it was not real enough.

    At first, she thought that Mr. Bo was a successful middle-aged person in his 40s or 50s.

    Ning Sese half-hidden her face, could hear the sound of her heartbeat, and replied: "I will study hard! (Struggle. jpg)"

    "( Mao Mao holds the heart. jpg)"

    "User 0018...: Didn't attend class? "

    Swimming class."

    Ning Sese looked back. The girls all changed their swimsuits and came out, and the teacher came. She had to

    go and ask for leave: "Don't tell me, it's going to go to class." "Go."

    He again Said:


    I'll talk to you tonight." "Yeah..." She pursed her lips and smiled.

    "Ning Sese?" In the

    closed swimming pool, there will be echoes when speaking, very loud.

    She turned around and saw that the teacher was calling her when she saw that she hadn't changed her clothes. Ning Sese quickly put away her phone and went to ask for leave.

    "You two, don't take swimming lessons seriously. Swimming is a very useful skill. The more you are afraid of water, the more you should learn..."

    Although the teacher mumbled so, he still gave her a fake: "You Let’s go to the lounge to study with other girls who have     asked for leave


Have you brought your books? Don’t be lazy and waste your time." "Thanks to the teacher." Ning Sese thanked him and went to the lounge.

    Thanks to the lower average level of the school, Yuancheng No. 1 Middle School was able to build a swimming pool that is not available in ordinary schools. It also built a very luxurious, large area, good facilities, and the lounge is also fully equipped.

    Swimming classes are usually conducted in several classes together, including experimental classes. Yining Sese walked into the lounge and not surprisingly saw Yu Qianjin, who was surrounded by a group of little sisters.

    Yu Qianjin is not in good health and it is impossible to enter the water. She always asks for leave, and her little sister often asks for leave to accompany her.

    Ning Sese felt troubled in her heart, so she looked for the table in the corner without squinting her face, sat down and studied alone.

    Yu Qianjin and her little sisters have been paying attention to Ning Sese since they came in, and they couldn't help laughing.

    "Qianjin, your little servant is studying so hard, do you have good grades?"

    Yu Qianjin gave her a look, "Luo Yuan, don't say it."

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