Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

    Ning Sese felt that something must be wrong.

    For the fourth time, Bo Chenshu turned her away because of "work, inconvenience, and inappropriateness", and she blinked blankly at the small wooden door.

    ……what happened?

    She raised her hand, hesitated, and knocked on the door hesitantly.

    "...Mr. Bo?"


    There was no movement at the door for a long time. She listened carefully, but could only hear her own breathing.

    After a while, the phone vibrated, and Ning Sese opened it. It was a message from Bo Chenshu.

    "I have a job, you go to bed early."

    Although his tone of voice has always been this way, she didn't think it was a problem in the past, but now that he repeatedly avoided it, this tone seemed too indifferent.

    This was the fourth time, Ning Sese couldn't believe his work theory anymore, and then he ignored the past heartlessly.

    In the past, he often worked at home, and she would not bother her, staying in the living room had no effect at all.

    ...So, are you hiding from her?

    Ning Sese didn't want to think about it, but could only think of this possibility.

    She stood blankly in front of the door holding the phone, her face blank but slightly disturbed.

    Bo Chen's abrupt avoidance made her feel at a loss. She couldn't figure out what happened, and she couldn't figure out what to do.

    Even when he confessed to him before, he was just paying more attention to how to get along or how to get along with each other. He didn't talk to him like this, and didn't meet, and only used his cell phone to contact her.

    Is there something bigger than confession?

    Some unexplainable grievances and a little bit of annoyance arose in Ning Sese's heart.

    If she did something wrong, why didn't she tell her directly, and she had to keep a distance like this?

    She didn't go back to bed obediently like the previous few times, but knocked on the door reluctantly.


    She made a louder voice this time, with a little emotion.

    After a while, the man at the door finally moved.


    He wore home clothes, with his meticulous short hair scattered all the time, and he seemed to have been lying on the bed, and he didn't look like he was working.

    "Don't let you go to sleep?"

    Bo Chen pursed his lips and looked down at her, his eyes were light, as if something was hiding.

    "Why avoid me?"

    Ning Sese was aggrieved, as before, behaved in favor of him, deliberately making pitiful eyes.

    "You're not working, right? Why ignore me? If you don't like me messing up the living room, haven't I been restored to the original condition a few days ago, and I will undo the transformation in time..."

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