Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 He doesn't hate this level

    After finishing cleaning with one key, Ning Sese continued to hold the question book and mobile phone.

    The quiet environment of the library always makes people unconsciously concentrate, making it easier to devote themselves to learning.

    She was working on the questions, while Mr. Bo was dealing with the work. In the cubicle, only the sound of paper and pens rustled. Occasionally she would whisper questions. After he answered them in detail, both sides returned to silence.

    Ning Sese has become accustomed to this mode, and listening to Mr. Bo's voice can calm her heart even more.

    In such a peaceful atmosphere, time passed quickly without knowing it.

    "It's too late, go home soon."

    Mr. Bo heard the sound of closing the cap of the pen.

    Ning Sese glanced at the time, and indeed it was almost time for Mr. Bo to go to bed.


    She stretched a lazy waist and packed up her schoolbag: "Then I will hang up?"

    "Don't hang up."

    He arranged the papers over there, and after the footsteps, there was a gargle sound, which was a bit vague. After a while, he continued: "Wait for you to hang up."


    Ning Sese's beautiful eyes bend slightly.

    She knew that Mr. Bo was worried that she would go home alone, and the feeling of being cared made her whole heart warm, as if it could melt water.

    Ning Sese picked up her schoolbag, checked each compartment, said hello to the administrator, and took a taxi back.

    He kept talking to Mr. Bo in the car to show the driver that she was on the phone.

    "There is no formal class today, so there is no homework yet. I will be bald when I have homework tomorrow. Online and offline are all troublesome. If I want to mix, of course I don’t have to do it, but I still want to wait. In the mid-term exams, you will get better, and you will be able to change classes based on your grades, so you can change to a better environment..."

    She babbled, looking forward to her plan.

    "My current class atmosphere is really bad. Everyone doesn't study, and the teacher doesn't want to care... By the way, do you know? There is a boy in our class who is considered a bullshit. He actually has the same surname as you, this surname It's so rare, I actually met two in a short time."

    "Same last name?"

    He motioned to her to continue.

    "Yeah, it's said that he has a very big background, and everyone dare not provoke it, because he likes Yu...Uh, my lady is always embarrassing me, and he came to warn me today."

    Ning Sese became more and more worried as he said: "I'm a lot tougher today. I don't know if I have a good sense of measure. What should I do if I provoke them?"

    Bo Chenshu: "..."

    A male student with the same surname Bo in the second year of high school, Yu's master, master master's young master The birthday party, coupled with the commotion that had vaguely heard about the Yu family's banquet.

    After Bo Chen was washed and rinsed, his hair was not as meticulously groomed as it was during the day. The soft hair was hanging down. He stretched out his hand and drew back, lifted the quilt and lay back on the bed, his slender knuckles curled up, and knocked on the side of the phone. .

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