Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 Press Conference?

    Mr. Bo?

    Ning Sese awakened completely with a rousing spirit.

    It seemed to be his voice...

    She sat up with the quilt in her arms, glanced at the door hesitantly, grabbed her hair, worried and distressed.

    Is Mr. Bo still having nightmares? Would you like to go over and see... But it was in the middle of the night, without his consent, it didn't seem very good, and she couldn't do anything...

    "..." The

    vague dreams on the other side of the door suddenly hurried up, as if they had encountered something. Extremely horrible scene.

    Ningseother couldn't control anything at once, and put her feet on the edge of the bed a few times, flicking on her slippers, walked over, and gently opened the door.

    The curtains of Bo Chenshu’s room were always tightly drawn, and there was no light. Ning Sese had just passed from the moon-shrouded room, and her eyes were not very comfortable. Fortunately, there was a faint fluorescence from the small door, and she blinked a few more times. At the second glance, I can barely get an idea.

    The man on the big bed sleeps in a regular posture, but his hands on the quilt are holding on to the quilt, probably because of nightmare, his mouth keeps moaning in pain, most of which are inaudible, only a few occasionally. word.



    "I'm sorry..."


    His emotions were too real and painful, Ning Sese's heart tightened slightly.

    Although she didn't know what Mr. Bo dreamed of, it was the first time she heard of him having such a big mood swing, and it was the first time she saw this man who had always been moody and overwhelming showing such helplessness and despair. appearance.

    What to do...

    She didn't dare to wake him up forcibly, and she was at a loss for a moment, only to remember to reach out and probe his forehead.

    Sure enough, the cold sweat drenched.

    She hurried back to her room, dampened the towel with warm water, carefully wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and neck, and after scrubbing again, put a warm towel on his forehead.

    This seemed to be of some use. Bo Chenshu gradually stopped talking in his dreams, but he still breathed quickly, his hands clinging to the blanket burst into blue veins, and he still refused to let go.

    Ning Sese thought for a while, sat down by his bed, gently covered his warm hand on the back of his right hand, and then inserted his fingers into his fingers little by little.

    She was very careful when she did it, trying not to disturb him, and as gentle as possible.

    Perhaps the soft temperature of her palm passed to Bo Chenshu. His right hand gradually relaxed. Seeing the situation, Ning Sese tentatively turned his hand over, then clasped her fingers, and put the other hand on the back of her hand, as if soothing. Sometimes rubbing and sometimes patting.

    After a while, seeing his breathing finally calmed down, Ning Sese breathed a sigh of relief, thinking about other things.

    She twisted her nose and sniffed.

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