Chapter 5: Sophiam?

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Hey guys its me again! Hope you enjoyed the last chapter. I feel like no one is reading but its whatever. I went to go watch Furious 7 yesterday and I cried my eyes out at the end!! Missing you Paul Walker you will never be forgotten. It was such a sad but powerful ending to him. RIP Paul! There's a picture of Liam and Sophia and oh my god they are literally goals apart from Larry of course but aren't they so fucking cute!!!??? Okay enough lol here's chapter 5 :)

Sophia's POV

We got to the hospital as Liam and I couldn't ride in the ambulance, I am so sacred to Harry he's my best friend my brother and I don't know what I'd do if something happen to him. The doctors took Harry in and Liam and I were sat in the waiting room. I look over to Liam his knee bouncing up and down I could tell he was anxious to hear about his baby brother. Who wouldn't he lost his parents at a young age, and he had to take care of his 8 year old brother. I grab Liam's hand and held it against my own. A tingle sensation going through my body. Liam stop his knee bouncing and look over to me. His face heating up. I blush looking down. I look back at him as I saw him staring at me.

"He'll be okay Li, he's a strong boy" I say to him, he sighs squeezing me hand

"I just can't lose him, he's the only family I have left" He says, I pull him into my chest as I smooth his back

"I know babe, but you got to be strong okay?" I say my face heating up when I called him babe, he look up at me and gave me a small smile.

"Thanks Soph for being here" He says as he pulls away from me, I look down feeling sad at the lost contact from him. I had the biggest crush on Liam, he doesn't know which is a good thing because it would be embarrassing confessing my feelings towards him only to be rejected. Yeah no thanks I rather keep my feelings in. Harry knows of course he does I didn't have to tell him. It surprise me that we found Louis helping out Harry. Liam still thinks that Louis did something to Harry, which I think he's wrong because Louis look genuinely worried for my best friend. But knowing Liam and how stubborn he is won't believe it until Harry tells him himself.

"You want coffee?" I say getting up knowing that we won't get anything from the doctors

"Tea will be fine please?" He says, I nod my head about to leave when a hand caught mine. I look down and saw Liam's hand , he got up his taller frame standing over me just a little bit, he look at me our eyes meeting. Brown eyes meeting my green ones, he lean down and kiss me on my lips, his lips lingering a little more they were so soft and sweet. My face turn red hot and feeling that same tingling sensation I always get when Liam is near me.

"W-what was that for?" I say to him after he pulls away, his hand still in my wrist

"I-I don't know" He says and I look at him he doesn't know? Okay I'm going to pretend like that didn't hurt

"O-okay, well I'm going down to the cafe" I say letting go and walking away, holding back my tears you can't just go around kissing someone and have no idea why you did it. There must been a reason why he kiss me. I got down to the cafe and got myself a coffee and Liam's tea. I paid for it and walk back towards the waiting room. Once I got to the top I turn left and saw Liam sitting on the chairs looking at his hands. I take a deep breathe and walk towards him. He looks up when he see's me and get's up I hand him his tea, he takes it our hands touching almost dropping the tea. I regain my senses and sat down. I took a sip of my coffee, not saying anything.

"Soph, listen I-" But Liam was cut off by the doctor entering

"Harry Styles family?" The doctor says and we both stand up walking towards the Doctor.

"I'm his older brother, this is our, um sister Sophia" He says, I look at him confused, but caught on so that the doctor can give us both the information

"Hi nice to meet you two, my name is Dr. Gomez, well Mr.Styles has a two fractured ribs, one of them almost collapsing his lung. He has one bruise eye on his left. He will need plenty of rest for his ribs to heal, I say about 6 weeks. He should put ice on it and I will prescribe him ibuprofen for the pain. In time of his healing he should cough or take deep breathes for at least once an hour, it will prevent pneumonia or a partial collapse of the lung tissue. Any questions?" He says

"Yeah just one" Liam says and I look at him

"Yes" Dr. Gomez says

"What cause him to black out?" Liam says and I await the Doctor's answer

"Partly it had to do with the pain of his ribs. If he wasn't here any faster one of lungs would have collapse and that wouldn't be pretty"

"But he's going to be alright, right?" I ask

"Oh yes, Mr. Styles is sleeping right now but you can go visit him, he's in room 210" He says smiling at us

"Thank you Doctor" Liam says and I smile at Dr. Gomez

"You're welcome" He says waving goodbye, We were about to walk away when my phone rang. I pulled it out to an unknown number, confusing I press the answer button.

"Hello?" I say as I saw Liam look at me confusion written all over his face I shrug my shoulders waiting for the other person the other line to answer me

"H-hello? Is this Sophia?" The person says

"Yes, this is she, who am I speaking too?" I say

"Oh, right sorry it's Louis, Um Tomlinson" I heard him say and my eyes widen in shock how did he get my number?

"Um, not to be rude or anything but how did you um get my number?" I saw as Liam and I reach room 210, I wave Liam telling him he should go in while I wait for this weird phone call to end.

"Right, um my friend Zayn got it for me from his girlfriend Perrie, you guys are buddies right?" He says nervous

"Of course sorry" I say to him

"Yeah, um I was just wondering how is um...." He says trailing off I rolled my eyes thanking god that he can't see me

"Harry?" I say finishing it for him

"Yeah, yeah Harry how is he doing?" He says

"He's fine, he has two fractured ribs, and a bruise eye, but the doctor said that he'll be fine" I says smiling to myself knowing that my best friend is going to be okay

"Oh, oh that's good" He says breathing out a sigh of relief my eyebrows furrowed together in confusion why did he care if Harry was okay or not?

"Yeah listen I got to go" I say standing up

"Oh yeah sure, um bye and thanks for letting me know about Harry" He says

"You're welcome, and thanks for helping him out. I don't know what I'd do if something else bad happen to him" I say weak smiling

"Oh no problem, I knew I just couldn't leave him there" He says

"Okay then bye Louis, see you around" I say he bids me goodbye and we hang up. Before entering the room my mind had two questions

Why would Liam kiss me and then say he didn't know why he did?

And two

Why was Louis so concern about Harry, when Louis barely knows who Harry Styles is

All I know is that my best friend is okay and that's all the matter the rest can come later. I walk into the room and sat down at the chair next to Harry while Liam was standing on the other side. We look into each others eyes holding that gaze. Something was telling me that Liam was hiding something. And I was going to find out what it was.

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