Chapter 15: Our Secret

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Okay because I felt bad leaving you guys for months I decided to update another chapter so that's three chapters in one day lol I promise to finish this book for you guys and not let you all down! So enjoy! 💘

Harry's POV:

The next morning I woke up with Sophia on the other side of the bed, since we became friends and had sleepovers we would share the same bed. It's not weird because we know our boundaries and plus I'm gay so it doesn't matter. I pulled the covers off me and went to her connected bathroom I splash water on my face and smiled about last night, I have so much fun when I'm with Sophia I don't know what I'll do without her. After using the bathroom and getting dress I went into the kitchen she didn't have stairs which is a surprised because like who doesn't have stairs in their homes.

Anyway I went to the stove and started cooking breakfast for me and her. While doing so I heard footsteps behind me and saw a tired looking Sophia her hair pulled up in a high bun.

"Gooood morning" I say to her scrambling some eggs

"You're in a happy mood this morning" she says yawning grabbing the stool and sitting on it laying her head on the marble table.

"Well we got lots to do today!!" I say getting the plate and setting the scramble eggs and ham.

"It's Saturday what is there to do?" She says as she picks up the Ketchup and spreads it around her eggs I look at her and she looks back.

"What? I like my eggs with ketchup" she says putting it down and digging in. I smile her off and start eating.

"So what is it that were doing today?"

"We my friend are going shopping" I say and she stops eating


"I promised you a shopping spree and you're getting it today" I say and she smiles at and hugs me.

"But that's was like a very long time ago" she says

"I know, but you're always there when I need you. It was about time I repay you"

"Awwww Hazza you don't have to"

"But I want to, now hurry up so we can get going" I say going back to our food. We chatted a bit more and went to her room which was across from the kitchen. I pull out my signature black jeans that have holes on my knees and a loose white button up shirt while putting on my brown boots Sophia walks out her bedroom with her hair down grey skinnies a black shirt her and her flats. She grabs her sunglasses while I grab mine and her purse and keys.

"Let's go shopping best friend!!" She says excitement written all over her I smile and lock the door behind me and get into the passenger seat of her car. She back away from the driveway and were off. She puts on the radio and we start to rap the lyrics to lose yourself by eminem obnoxiously and loud. We stopped giggle after Sophia got the lyrics wrong at one part of the song and park the car as we were already at the mall.

"I can't believe you sang no rap that part wrong, have I taught you nothing!!" I say as she punch me readjusting her purse.

"Whatever I still rap the first half perfectly fine!" She says putting her sunglasses on and walking away I laugh as we get into the mall her arm inside mine as she lead me to H&M the store I hated the most.

"Why this store, you know I hate it"

"All the reasons to go" she says smiling and I roll my eyes but enter anyways after all this is all about her today. As we were passing by the clothes, I of course was walking backwards while she was walking in front of me I suddenly bump myself into someone making them fall and them pulling me down with them. My back hit against their chest and push me off

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