Hey guys! So here's another chapter I'm gonna try and update so I can finish this story and start a new one so here goes love you all thanks for the support
Liam's POV:
We were hanging out on the couch after our conversation 4 days ago Sophia was still recovering but she was walking more. Doctors said she can return to school when she's ready.
Harry on the other hand well he's not doing too good, I remember the look on his face when he found out and I couldn't believe what Louis did. I wanted to kill him but Sophia stop me because my baby brother was crying his heart out. I held him till his sobs subsided and fell asleep in my arms. I remember it as if it was yesterday.
I look at Harry and see this look of worry on his face, he keeps checking his phone too I don't want to interfere but I had to see what was wrong with my baby brother. Sophia was next to new cuddled to my side while Harry was on her other side also cuddle up.
"Harry? What's wrong bud?" I ask he raised his head and blink
"Louis's coming over and I'm nervous because we're going to talk about what I said in the tutor center" he says sighing and sits up, I paused the movie we were watching Sophia puts her arm around him and smooths his arm.
"I'm sure that nothing bad is going to happen, he'll probably say he feels the same, I can see it" she says and I look at fingers
"I hope you're right Soph or else I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't"
"Don't worry little bro, I'm sure everything is going to be fine" I say and he stares at me in shock.
"What?" I say
"Nothing, just didn't think you would say anything" he says and I sigh looking at him
"You told me to give him a chance, that's what I'm doing" I say I see him smile and he gets up and hugs me. I hug him back tightly.
He pulls away and looks at his phone again, he types something out and a small frown forms.
"What happen?"
"He can't come something's come up says he's busy" he says I hug him again and we get comfortable and start watching the movie which was waiting for forever (Harry's favorite) after the movie finishes I get up and start on dinner, Harry goes upstairs and showers and Sophia comes into the kitchen. I smile at her and kiss her cheek when I pass to get to the pantry. I grab the things I need to make rice with chicken I prepare everything and let the chicken to cook.
"So I was thinking after you're heal I thought we could take a trip to the cabins up in California and just have time for ourselves?" I ask her, she smiles and comes towards me wrapping her arms around me. She kissed me and I kiss her back, she pulls away too soon and looks into my eyes.
"I would love too" she says and I smile again kissing her lips, her cheeks, her nose and her neck.
I check the chicken and rice it isn't until Harry comes down with tears in his eyes. I turn off the stove and rush towards him.
"Harry? Hey what's wrong?" I say and he shakes his head giving me his phone while Sophia wraps him and he starts to sob. I look at the phone and my face turns into red angry.
The Instagram app was open and it was on Zayn's profile there was a picture of Louis kissing another guy with the caption
"Looks like someone's getting it tonight" @louist91
I lock the phone holding it tightly I look at Harry and my eyes soften. I rush to him and hold him against me.
"H-He-" he says but the sobs stop him
"I know, I know baby brother" I look at Sophia and she looks confused I hand her the phone and she unlocks it's her eyes well up in tears as well and looks at Harry and then me.
"I can't believe him" she says and it makes Harry cry more.
"Shhh shh it's okay" I say and lead him to our couch. I take his phone and send out a text to the cheater who just broke my brother's hurt the same exact reason why I didn't want Harry to get involved with Louis.
LouLou👬🙊: guess you were "too busy" to talk to me, you obviously don't feel the same. It's over.
Present Day:
That was four days ago and in those days he hasn't come out of room except for the bathroom and eating but even then he wouldn't even utter a word. I was starting to get worried that Harry was going back to his depression. I sigh and drink my coffee Sophia comes down ready for school.
"You okay?" I ask and she gives me a small smile.
"I just want my best friend happy again" she says tears welling up I rush to her side and hug her. Rubbing her back as she cries on my shoulder.
"Shhh, he's gonna come back to us I promise" I say she tucks her face into my neck and kisses it there. I close my eyes and just feel this moment. We hear footsteps and Harry appears in sweats and a white t-shirt his socks on, he goes the the fridge and grabs a water he leans against the counter and stares at us.
"What?" He says rudely
"Aren't you going to get ready for school?" I ask with raised eyebrows
"I'm not going" he says drinking another sip
"Yes you are" I say and he gives me a glare
"No I'm not, you're not my father you can't tell me what to do" he says and stomps away from me. I sigh rubbing my temples. Sophia comes and hugs me from behind. Did I mention without his depression medication he gets moody. We stop subscribing the medication because we thought he wouldn't need them anymore. That's until Louis Tomlinson came and ruined my brother. When I see him I will not hesitate to punch him.
"Come on we have to get to school" she says and kisses the back of my neck we grab our stuff not before leaving a note to Harry and we were on our way.
Old Harry is back and I don't know what to do.

Will You Love Me? Larry Stylinson AU (Completed)
FanfictionLouis star football player of McKinley and widely popular. Harry's a math nerd and has the biggest crush on Louis, but Louis has no idea who Harry Styles is. That is until Louis finds Harry beaten up by the lockers. But Louis's failing math and is...