Hey guys sorry for the lame updates I've lost my touch lol anyway I hope you like this chapter :)
Harry's POV:
Louis pulls up in front of my house and turns off his car, he grins at me turning fully so that he was facing me. I look at him and smile shyly at him. He smiles and takes one of hands in his.
"I had a great time Harry" he says smiling at me he gently raises our hands and kisses my knuckles, the small gesture has me flying to the moon.
"I had a good time too Lou" I say to him he smiles again and leans in forward.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks and I nod my head my heart leaping out of my chest as his lips touch mine softly. I kiss him back my month opening up a bit and letting him slide his tongue in mine before making the kiss more passionate and deeper. I have never been kiss like this before but it felt so good doing it with the one person I'm in love with since freshman year. I pull away because of breathing problems that we both needed. I open my eyes and saw his blue ones looking right back, a small smile played on his lips and he went on and peck me.
"I don't want to let you go" he says breathlessly
"I know but you'll see me tomorrow and the day after and the day aft-" I was cut off with a pair of soft thin lips against mine and I smiled into the kiss again. Once we pulled away we stare at each other.
"So you kiss on the first date huh" Louis says as I punch his arm playfully. He laughs and grabs my hand.
"I really need to get inside" I say to him looking at my door and back at him. He sighs in defeat and let's go of me completely.
"Okay, but before you go, c-can I ask you something?" He says nervous and all, why would he be nervous?
"Yeah, go ahead" I say waiting for him to ask
"W-will you, um" he stops and takes a deep breath.
"Willyoubemyboyfriend" he says rushing out the words that I couldn't catch what he ask? I look at him confused before answering him.
"What?" I ask him, he takes a deep breathe again and this time he says it clearly, clear enough that I understand what he meant just moments ago.
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
There's a moment of silence because I'm shock at his request I look at him to see if he's joking but he's not and that makes me heart thump faster.
"Shit, I knew it was too soon, just forget that I ask okay?" He says and he turns on his car and starts cursing at himself. I smile at him before I grab the back of his neck and bring him close to me so our lips were barely touching, I giggle onto his lips and kiss him sweetly. I pull back before he has the chance to deepen it.
"Yes" I say looking into his ocean blue eyes, he looks back into my green ones and smiles
"Yes!!??" He says and I nod he pulls me for another kiss this time keeping me there are he deepen it I pull away gasping for air.
"I really need to get inside" I say he gives me a small smile before letting me go. I smile and lean over kissing his cheek.
"Thank you for a great first date boyfriend" he says and I blush at the word boyfriend Wow I'm Louis Tomlinson's boyfriend. Who would've that that me getting beaten up would bring me to this night this perfect and beautiful night. I smile at him before hopping out of his car and walking towards my front door. Before I reach the top of my porch I felt a hand grab mine I turn around and saw Louis.
"You forgot two things" he says and I look at him puzzled
"One would be my number baby" he says as he slips his number into the back pocket of my jeans. I blush as his hand stays there resting on my ass.
"And two, this" he said leaning up on his toes and kissing me lightly on the lips. I smile and kiss back before he's pulling away
"Goodnight babe, see you tomorrow Kay" he says and I just nod my head still in a daze. I watch him walk back to his car before he's pulling out the driveway. I sigh inward, it was nearly midnight and I hope to god Liam was still asleep. I had a great time with Louis. He's literally so sweet and funny I loved every minute that I was with him.
He's made me laugh so hard, I haven't laugh that hard since my parents died and that's saying a lot.
I open the door to my house seeing the lights off, I tip toe going towards the stairs but before I get to there, the living room lamp turns on and I see Liam sitting on the couch. Like those moms do when they stay up and see their children walk in from a wild night of partying. He looks at me and I look at him.
"Um, hi Liam" I say giving him my guilty smile, he looks at me and stands up walking towards me.
"Hi Harry" he says calmly which is scary because Liam's never this clam especially when I came home at midnight and on a school night.
"Where were you?" He asks
"I was at Niall's, Sophia didn't tell you?" I say hoping to god she didn't forget.
"Yeah she did, but as I saw it was getting really late I decided to call Niall and that was about 10:00" he says and I gulp
"And you wanna know the funny thing" he says stepping closer to me.
"What is that?" I ask him
"He told me that you left about two hours ago" he says
"Which to me doesn't makes sense to me, because Harry I was here for those two hours, so either he's too sleepy to even give me the right time or your lying to me" he says and shit that's it I've been caught stupid Niall and his sleep. I swallowed hard looking at my big brother.
"Tell me where you were Harry" he says this time anger in his voice. This could go either way I could lie and tell him that I was at Niall's but I overslept and lost track of time or I can tell him the truth that I was with Louis the whole time. Either way he will find out so I go for the truth.
"Okay, you caught me!! truth is I was on a date" I say and his eyes widen
"With??" He presses
"With, umm with Louis.... Louis Tomlinson" I say closing my eyes and waiting for something to happen. Anything really.

Will You Love Me? Larry Stylinson AU (Completed)
FanficLouis star football player of McKinley and widely popular. Harry's a math nerd and has the biggest crush on Louis, but Louis has no idea who Harry Styles is. That is until Louis finds Harry beaten up by the lockers. But Louis's failing math and is...