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                                                 CHAPTER 11

                                The Mark of Dragon's Peak

        Yotto stood in awe, staring at JoNeek's lifeless form. The student section was silent, all of them trying to believe what they just seen. No one moved at first, and the area was dimmer than normal, with Yotto's attack huffing out some of the torches.

   Yotto's heart was pounding in his chest, his arms and legs still shaking from the adrenaline, and his stomach churned. The blond monk turned to look at Master Poe, his knees barely supporting his weight. Master Poe stared back, a mixture of shock and sadness in his old eyes.

"mm...Master..." was all Yotto could manage to say, before the cold stone slab rushed up to meet him.

   Master Chun sprang from his seat, hopping up on the stage, going to JoNeeks side. The master checked his pulse, eyes widening when he found none.

 "Hes dead...Yotto killed him. Guards restrain Yotto before he awakes." Master Chun said, and two guards moved to do just that. Master Poe was kneeling by his beloved Yott's side when the monk reached the blond monk, Master Poe struck with his walking cane, cracking the young man across the back of his hand, causing the monk to withdraw his hand.

"Master Poe...you know our rules... he killed a fellow brother. He must be punished." Master Chun said, standing and crossing his arms.

"....and that of course, is not your decision." Master Poe said, rising to his feet as well.

"Your love for this orphan is clouding your judgment..." Master Chun said, "...I'm not sure you should be standing in my way...old man."

"Either way...you come any closer to my student...I'll show you what an old man can do." Master Poe said, spinning his cane.

 Grandmaster Kane walked onto the stone platform, in between the two master. "That's enough you two, I  believe the boy's fate is my decision......and lets not forget, Joneek is still holding the dagger...the one he tried to use for murder."

Neither master moved to challenge that statement. "take him to his room and treat his wounds, but leave a guard outside his door." Grandmaster Kane said, motioning to the guards. "the rest of the master will meet me in my private chambers to discuss the boy's fate."

*                                                              *                                                                    *

     Yotto awoke, laying on hid bed roll, in his room. His face felt sore and puffy, and he noticed a bandage on his right arm. Suddenly the memory of his fight cam flooding back to his consciousness, and he sat up in a panic. Across the room was Master Poe, siting at this small table in the corner, sipping a cup of tea.

"Yotto i'm glad t see you awake...you had me worried." Master Poe said, sitting his cup down.

"Master Poe...is he okay? Please tell me he's okay." Yotto pleaded, his voice shaky.

"No my son, JoNeek is dead...I'm sorry." Master Poe said, wishing he had a better way of telling him.

"Oh god, what have I done..." Yotto said laying back down, tears forming in his piercing blue eyes,"...after all the years of your teachings I not only shamed my home, but failed the one person here who treated me as a son."

Master Poe was going to say something, but he was a little shocked, Yotto was more upset about the thought of failing his master, than the fact Joneek tried to kill him, not a common thing.

LEGEND OF THE MONK: book oneWhere stories live. Discover now