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                                             CHAPTER 9

                                           PLANS COMING TOGETHER

             Barakus strolled away from the city ruins, casually tapping his devil headed cane as he went. To the average stranger, they would have never thought the cloaked figure had just killed seven people not ten minutes ago. Barakus headed north, toward gallon port kingdom, where the orc leader ul'grath,waited for the warlocke's return.

              Barakus had allied with the orc chief in a conquest to conquer and seize northern gallon port. Ul'Grath had already sacked the city of Oakfields, with of course, the help of Barakus' assassins. The strait forward, brute force of the orc armies, with the cunning stealth, and the percisin killing of the assassins, made the team a very formable foe.

     Oakfields wasn't a large city, by Gallon Port, or even BishopSoaring standards, but it was the largest city next to the waist lands, also known as the orc lands. The waist lands ran from the Dragon's Peak mountains, to the bog swamps just northeast of Oakfields, giving the orc lands the northeast corner of the kingdom, next to the eastern coast.

        Oakfields didn't have and army, but the city did have a militia that numbered around two hundred well trained men. The city also had strong, high walls that could be easily defended, and with the largest and most direct routes covered by thick marshy swamps, the orc chief believed the city would be more trouble than it was worth.

    Chief Ul'Grath thought that if he and his soldiers were going to team with the warlock and conquer as far west as Twin-Towns, it wasn't the best idea to leave an enemy, with two hundred men, sitting at your back door. Eliminating that city was the first stop on chief Ul'Grath's track west, but it was more than just sacking and looting Oakfields. The orc chief had to be sure no survivors were able to escape and run for help, or Chief Ul'Grath could have the Gallon Port army on there hells before they reached Twin-Towns.

     Almost a year before Barakus made the alliance with the Orc chief, he discovered an elite group of assassins know by few as the Ghost Clan. Many years ago there was an elite clan of ninjas known as the Black Dragons. The ninjas were masters of martial arts, stealth, deception,and assassinations. The clan master had two children, a son named Cato, and a Daughter named Keira. The master poured all his knowledge into his kids, in hopes that they would one day lead the BlackDragons, but the Clan was sabotaged and eradicated. Cato and Keira were the only original members of the Black Dragons to survive, and instead of rebuilding their fathers clan, and letting their enemies know they had survived, Cato and his sister started a new clan, simply called the Ghosts.

        The two ninjas spent some time hand picking and training their new clan members, and although the new members of the Ghost clan were not officially ninjas, they were highly skilled martial artist and assassins. The Ghost Clan quickly rose as one of the most feared assassin gilds, with no  know connection the the Black Dragons.

        When Brakus discovered the Ghost clan, he was stocking a certain wizard that carried a devil headed walking stick, the warlock couldn't live without. The wizard was a high ranking member of the Pashas in the city of SunStone, and was well guarded by the thieves gild. Barakus had been silently watching the wizard for weeks when the Ghost clan struck. What impressed the warlock was they had not only killed the wizard and his guards without a single casualty, but the clan was in and out before anyone even realized there was an attack. Barakus smiled evilly, a plan forming in his head.

      When the clan leader Cato was killed, a murder arranged by the warlock, Barakus moved in to take advantage. Barakuse removed Cato's weapons, as well as his chain mesh armor and mask, and began casting spells over the dead ninjas body. When Cato sat up with a scream, Barakus was sitting at a near by table, spinning his new waling stick. Catos breath came in gasps, and his hands shook as he traced over the small scar over his heart.

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