4- The Party

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Toni was preparing for the party all day. She had went to buy groceries, drinks, and things she needed for the house. And trash bags. She knew she would have needed trash bags.

When she was setting up, she heard a knock on the door and it was Sweet Pea and Josie. She let them in and went back into the kitchen to finish stocking the fridge.

Sweet Pea followed her, while Josie sat on the couch, on her phone. Sweet Pea grabbed a soda and drank it while leaning up against the counter. Sweet Pea had overheard the conversation between Josie and Toni the other day, but he never got around to asking her about it.

"T," Sweet Pea called, getting the brunette's attention. "What was that little talk that you and Josie was having yesterday?" The taller boy questioned.

Toni rolled her eyes and continued stocking her fridge. "She was asking me about who I saw at the gym. But, it was nothing, so, yeah," Toni responded.

Sweet Pea didn't respond, and that made Toni look up at him. He shook his head and walked into the living room. Toni rolled her eyes, mumbling, "always in my damn business."


A few hours went by and it was about 5-6 o'clock in the afternoon. Toni had taken a shower and  changed into a black off-white halter top, a yellow and black plaided skirt, black boots, a necklace, and her hair was half up, half down.

She was downstairs when people started to come. But, when Reggie, and the football team arrived, that's when the whole crowd of people came filling in.

Toni was bombarded with people cheering, already high or under the influence, and she got out of their way. She grabbed a cooler and went into the living room on the couch.

She pulled her phone out and saw she had a Instagram notification. She went to go look at it, seeing it was a friend request, and when she was about to see the profile, she was getting dragged by Josie.

Her phone had fell on the floor, and she knew when that happened, she wouldn't be finding it until the next day. She followed the dark-haired girl until she spotted Veronica dancing with Kevin.

They stopped in front of the duo and Toni gave a smile. "Enjoy yourselves, I see," she teased.

Kevin rolled his eyes and then starting dancing again, making Toni shake her head at his antics. Veronica looked at Toni, but since she didn't see the brunette in a while, she had to take a double-look.

The Latina placed her hand on her chest, slightly blown away with how the smaller girl glew up. "Oh my gosh, Toni," Veronica said, engulfing the pinkette into a hug. "I know we don't talk a lot, but we're going to have to change that," the Latina said, sizing up the brunette.

Toni giggled a little bit, a slight blush rising on her cheeks. "Not to burst your wonderful bubble, but I'm not looking for anyone yet," Toni said.

Veronica looked at Toni for a little while and then she laughed. Bursted into a fit of laughter.  "Yeah, right, Toni," Veronica said, through her laughs. "You're perfect for Cheryl," Veronica said.

Toni rolled her eyes and started shaking her head. The name didn't register to her until a few seconds after and she gave the trio a confused look. "What do you mean by that, Veronica?" Toni asked, knowing there was little to no chance of being answered.

The Latina started slurring a bit, making Toni turn to Josie who was laughing at her friends' antics. "So, who is this Cheryl girl? Do you have a picture or something?" Toni asked the darker girl.

Josie went to feel on her pockets, but she couldn't find her phone. "Oh, shit. I must've dropped it or something when people started coming in," Josie said, with a sorry look.

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