Craziness returns!

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The team was squeezed in Mahi bhai's room, waiting for him to make a statement on how idiotic had Rohit's and Harry's plan been.

"I'm so annoyed at this stupid prank they attempted, bhai!" Jassi complained.

"Me too, kiddo," Mahi bhai agreed, "me too."

"They deserve to be..." Rahul fumed, and then paused. "To be pushed in a deep pothole. That harry guy, I'm sure I'll KILL him-"

"And I'm going to ground Rohit for a week and make him run extra laps tomorrow!" Virat exclaimed.

"Idiots" Bhuvi shook his head, "complete idiots."

"Bhai, think of something" Kuldeep bit on his inner cheek, "they drove me crazy in a single day!"

"How about we tell them that we know about their prank?" Jaddu asked.

"There's no fun in that," Ash said, and everyone stared at him agape. "What? I mean they've been horribly messing with our mental peace, and we deserve to do the same with them."

"You know you've messed up big time when the mighty Ravichandran Ashwin is angry." Yuzi laughed, receiving heated glares across the room.

"Mahi bhai," Jinks finally spoke, "are you thinking what I am?"

Mahi bhai cracked a grin. "Yes, ajju," He said, "yes."


"No, mayu, you know he won't be jealous AT ALL," Rahul walked in harry's room, "he is all matured, unlike you."

Rahul scoffed, holding the phone's speaker away from himself.

"Would you mind, harry?"

Harry shot him a quizzical look, "what?"

"If I claim mayu as my best friend," He explained, "would you mind?"

A volcano of jealousy was about to lash out on a certain common best friend; but he was MATURED now, wasn't he?

"No," He hid the anger behind the words, "of course I wouldn't, Rahul."

"See! I told you!" Rahul yelled at mayu, "THANKS, HARRY!"

"You're WELCOME!" Harry replied through gritted teeth, and he didn't know if Rahul didn't notice the dripping sarcasm in his voice or just ignored it.


"God, Rahuliya," Virat exasperatedly sighed, plopping down besides Rohit. "Of course, AB is my best friend!"

And virat could sneak out just because Rohit was stuck in his own act.


"Good job, you two," Mahi bhai patted Rohit and Harry's back, "you're actually good big brothers now."

The temporary happiness it gave them didn't last long; as a lanky Jassi and yuzi came upto them quarreling.


The next day, harry decided to take a dig at Rahul.

"You don't feel the team too silent these days," He asked. "Do you?"

"No," Rahul calmly replied, "of course I don't. It's nice to have silence in the team, and anyway mayu pesters me just ENOUGH on the phone."

Harry's expression changed to that of a scowl. "He HAS to drag mayu in between," He thought, "hasn't he?"


The next day at the team lunch, Rohit and Harry were the people who did not utter even a single word.

"Why are you guys silent?" Jinks questioned.

"Just.... Just because." Rohit growled.

"But you don't keep silent." Jassi stated as a matter-of-fact.

"You guys don't miss the old us," Harry complained. "Right?"

"Of course we don't," Mahi bhai carried on smoothly, "should we?"

"Of course you should!" Rohit yelled, dropping his fork in the plate.

"Why should we?" Ash faked confusion, "it's nice to see you acting sane."

"BUT IT WAS A PRANK!" Harry screeched, "and we thought you'd miss the old us."

he realized he had actually disclosed their plan; owing to the glares that he and Rohit received across the table.

"Because our best friends kept snapping at us." He mumbled.

The team dinner went on silently, without anyone uttering a single word.


The next day, a can of juice was emptied on a certain Virat and Rahul, as soon as they entered the team dressing room.

"We're not sorry," Harry and Rohit said.

Rahul and Virat eyed their crazy besties warily, and before they could understand what was happening, they were crushed in a orange-juice hug.

"We missed you!!!" They yelled.

"Eww, get off me!!" Harry screeched, "even I'm drenched in orange juice now. "

"OFF ME VIRAT!" Rohit yelled too, "and now will you allow me to eat-"

"Extra laps and 30 minutes extra at the gym, Ro," Virat announced before running away to the shower, "hope you're happy!"


Here ends this book :D

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