When it begins~

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A poor harry wailed; partly because he knew he made a mistake when he said he needs to act sane, and partly because he had to wake up Rohit before virat did, and a certain Rohit sharma doesn't budge an inch from his bed.

Having no other alternative, harry picked up the glass of water from the side table, pouring it straight away on Rohit's face.

Rohit did wake up - with a scream and not to forget, directing the choicest set of words to Virat, because it was him who usually did this thing.

He fell silent as he saw harry standing with a weary face besides him.

"Harry," He cautiously started, "what are you doing... HERE?"

"I, Rohit bhai," Harry made a face, "I have been trying to wake you up since past One hour, thirty-two minutes, and sixteen point three seconds. "

Rohit was confused. "Why you? Where's Virat at?"

'He can't live without virat," Harry mentally facepalmed.

"That's because, Rohit bhai," He tried explaining, "we decided that we are going to act sane, yesterday. And that means you need to be up before Virat needs to shove a glass of water on your face."

"Ohh..." Rohit ruffled his own hair, "I forgot."

"No, shit Sherlock." Harry scoffed.

"I'll be there soon," Rohit said, reaching out for his mobile phone, "on time."

"Don't sleep in the shower." Harry alarmed before walking out.


That day, every single person in the team received a bolt from the blue.

Rohit sharma and Hardik pandya reporting to the practice EXACTLY on time without a certain Rahul or Virat dragging them along is not something that can be termed as NORMAL.

Hardik flashed a formal, not-so-Hardik like smile to everyone in the lobby, and walked off to the bus- leaving everyone staring agape at him like they'd seen a ghost.

"Is he a lookalike of Harry, kul?" Yuzi babbled, "this is so not Hardik."

"I know, yuzi." Was all a horrified kuliya could manage to stumble out.

The ride passed silently, without a single cocky joke from a certain Pandya and without a single snore from a certain Sharma.

The practice session was no less than a torture for everyone - speaking specially of Rahul and Virat, and undoubtedly, MS - who noticed the thing more severely.

Without Harry nagging him to teach the helicopter shot, or without Rohit asking to warm up with him, MS didn't feel normal.

Without Harry's snide comments about his batting and wicket keeping, or without Rohit bhai's "this,that,yeh woh" Talks, Rahul didn't feel normal.

Without Harry's non-stop chatters about everything and anything while running laps, Or without having to drag a leisurely sitting Rohit with him, Virat didn't feel normal.

This certainly is NOT normal.

"Bhai, what do you think is up with them?!" Jaddu asked Mahi bhai.

"How am I supposed to know that, jad?" Mahi bhai Deadpanned.

"They are acting all civil today," Bhuvi complained, "they're not being themselves."

"And it feels wrong," Jinks said, "them acting sane isn't fun at all."

"He told me that parties are not cool at all!!!!" ashwin yelled.

"Rohit Bhai was giving us diet tips." Yuzi looked thoroughly confused.

"And he said that oversleeping is not healthy at all." A horrified kuldeep added.

"If they behave sane, the rest of the team will surely go insane soon." Mahi bhai thought.

Amidst all the havoc they created, the culprits were chilling and drinking their energy drinks in a corner.

"Rohit," Virat called him, "we are going to have a cake. Do you want to tag along?"

"No, Virat, it's unhealthy." Rohit said.

The only thing remaining was Virat's eyes popping out of their sockets - ROHIT WOULD NEVER SAY THAT. NEVER.

"Harry, I need your fluorescent green jacket that you were willing to give me yesterday," Rahul requested, "I want to go out for a walk."

"No, Rahul, your clothes are way better." Harry solemnly stated.

And Rahul nearly jumped out of his skins.


"I'm craving for a cake Harry," Rohit whined, "it's once in a blue moon that Virat himself offers me one."

"It's not like I'm myself liking it, Bhai," Harry groaned. "I hate accepting that my fashion sense is bad and that parties aren't cool."

"But I'm sure they'll miss us," Rohit hopefully added, "and then we'll surely have our treats."

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