Cries and Wails

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Yeh picture toh nikal nahi raha, toh reminder ki tarah dekh lo bas 😀

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Yeh picture toh nikal nahi raha, toh reminder ki tarah dekh lo bas 😀



Virat and Rahul were sitting quietly, on the bed, thinking deeply at what had hit him. Or well, their best friends, to be precise.

"Virat," Rahul nudged. "Are they angry at us?"

"Of course not, " Virat huffed, "if Rohit would be angry, he'd yell at me the list of curses I myself invented personally for him."

Rahul cracked a smile. "You guys act like kindergarten children." He noted.

"Whatever." Virat huffed, "but this Rohit is not my best friend. My best friend is lazy, tardy, forgetful, idiotic, loves eating, runs the partner or himself out at crucial times......"

"Okay, okay, I understand." Rahul put a full stop to the train of adjectives.

"I want that Ro back, Rahuliya." Virat sighed with indigence.

He looked like a kid whose chocolate had been snatched away from him.

They sat in silence, again, pondering over what might have been the pinpoint reason to their besties'  changed behavior.


"Mahi bhai," Jaddu was nagging MS, "you know everything. But you don't know why are harry and Rohit behaving like idiots?"

"They're NOT behaving like idiots, jaddu. That's the problem." MS stated, "and no, I don't know."

"But you HAVE  to know, like something atlea----"



"What do you think, kul? Shall we ask harry?" Yuzi questioned for the tenth time in past two minutes.

"For the sake of God, yuzi," Kul said, "if he had to tell us anyway, he'd have done that a long before."


"They're acting for sure." Bhuvi treaded from one corner of the room to another, "they can't act sane."

"They ARE acting sane, bhuvi...." Ash said.

"You're being bipolar," Jinks deadpanned, "first SIT DOWN."

Bhuvi plonked down on the couch, sighing.


Meanwhile, a poor jassi was roaming in the corridors, alone, worried for his stupid best friend, who wasn't stupid anymore.

Or, so he acted like.

And his Rohit bhaiya, who wasn't seen fighting with Virat, and complaining about how he is a godforsaken jerk.

"They are worried, Rohit bhai," He heard a faint whisper.

Usually, jassi wouldn't be the one to eavesdrop; but he knew the voice belonged to harry, and he needed to know what was up.

"Just been one day and I'm already so done," Rohit whispered back, "I didn't even have my afternoon nap today."

"It's not a nap," Harry snapped. "It's a whole long sleep."

"Whatever" And jassi could feel Rohit bhai rolling his eyes.

"They'll go bonkers on us by tomorrow," Harry assured, having no idea what was going to hit him, "then we can go back to normal."


An annoyed jassi immediately created a whatsApp group, added everyone except the very dear people, who had been the cause of the current unstable state of their mind.

WhatsApp group

Jassi created a group
Jassi added newspaper roll yuzi
Jassi added kul
Jassi added Mahi bhai
Jassi added Virat bhai
Jassi added Bhuvi bhai
Jassi added Jinx bhai
Jassi added Ash bhai
Jassi added horse rider Jaddu bhai
Jassi added Rahul

Yuzi: what is this group for?
What is sensible jokes
Why have you made this jassi
Where is Harry
Where is Rohit bhai
Why didn't you text on the team group

Shut up yuzi: me

Virat: what is this, jassi?

I need to tell you all something: me

Yuzi: what
Tell me what?

Kul: oh, god. Keep calm for a minute yuzi.

Jaddu: kuldeep betrayed yuzi

I needed to tell you something: me

Mahi bhai: what is it, baccha?

Finally bhai, you're here: me
Where are bhuvi bhai, ash bhai and jinks bhai
Can someone call them

Jaddu: wait, I will

Ash: hey

Bhuvi: hey

Jinx: why am I here?

Rahul: hey

So, the way Rohit bhai and Harry are behaving is a plan :me

Rahul: how do you know

Virat: did they say something, jassi?

Mahi bhai: thought so. Anyway, how did you come to know?

Bhuvi: idiots

Ash: fools

Jinks: virat, I know you want to curse. do it.

Virat: *this content is censored for the well being of the readers by the writer*

Kul: they are crazy

Yuzi: but why are we chatting on a group when we are in the same hotel

Me: how early to inform, yuzi -_-

Mahi bhai: you all, my room in five.

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