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Aether could tell Albedo was a bit different today he couldn't put his finger on it though...

Albedo sat down next to Aether in his bed which Aether was confuse

"Aether I know we just met but you are so helpful in work, I was struggling to be alone"

Aether raises his eyebrows

"Oh well I was planning to be a doctor and I wanted a part-time job..."

Albedo smile

"Well, I should leave you probably tired-"

"You can stay"


"But can I invite Xiao here?"

Albedo stay silent


"Sure why not...."

Aether grabbed his phone and texted Xiao and texted the address and which floor, and number door

"He said he will come"

"Oh great...."

"Albedo you can stay if you want I feel comfortable around you"

Albedo blush and sat down next to him again

"Aether are you planning any kids?"

Aether blush from the question

"-Oh me I..."

Albedo move a little closer to Aether

"My sister wanted to be Aunt but I'm not sure if I want kids..."

Albedo frowned at the response.

Meanwhile Xiao:

"Geez why did Albedo tell him to go to his house"

Xiao was about to go inside until someone's hand grabbed onto his shoulder. Does he turn to see Albedo?

"Xiao, why are you here?"

Albedo raises his eyebrow

"Albedo why are you here I thought you were with Aether?"

"What Aether wasn't in work and I look for my keys but they weren't there-"

Albedo widen his eyes

"-Xiao Aether is with my twin Brother"

They both rush inside and go on the elevator wait for a while to get to the floor and find Albedo door number

"He has my keys..."

"Then let me kick the door"

Xiao kicks the door open and look for Albedo room and heard crying noises so they open the door to see "Albedo" trying to kiss Aether which Aether was crying and avoiding it

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