Christmas + Secret Santa's

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It was Christmas time and I was super excited bouncing around

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It was Christmas time and I was super excited bouncing around. Jade stopped for coffee on our way to school and got me a hot chocolate. We walked into class.

"I do love short pants!" Cat said as we walked in.

"Yeah, guess what I love," Jade said.

"Me," I said.

"What?" Cat asked.

"Slapping perky redheads," Jade said. I pouted as Beck walked in like a zombie. Jade kissed my cheek. "And you. I love you," She whispered causing me to smile. Beck turned in his seat and fell asleep.

"Now Jade... don't be a Christmas grunch," Sikowitz said.

"Hahaha. "Grunch." That's my word," Rex laughed. We heard yelling outside and turned to see Andre and Tori arguing as they walked into class.

"Just forget it! Forget everything!" Andre yelled.

"HO HO HO and jingle bells!" Robbie said to Andre.

"No, Andre don't you dare--" Tori was cut off at Andre shoving Robbie out of his chair."Ah, ya did it,"

"I bet that jingled his bells," Jade said. I reached for Jade's coffee. She swatted my hand away. "Baby, you don't need any more caffeine," Jade said.

"I'm sorry but all of y'all can just keep your Christmas spirit to yourselves," Andre said.

"Andre? You got a beef with Christmas?" Sikowitz said.

"I love Christmas beef! Every year, my brother steals a chuck roast and then rubs it with--" Cat was cut off by Jade yelling.

"Cat!" Jade yelled waking Beck up.

"Hey. Hey. You woke me up," Beck said.

"Ooh sorry, Beck. Certainly wouldn't want to keep you awake during my class," Sikowitz said.

"Thanks. You're the best," Beck said turning back to go to sleep.

"Before I get my "teach on"Andre... why the sour puss?" Sikowitz asked.

"Yeah. Why the sour puss?" Rex asked.

"I don't really want to talk about it," Andre said.

"Andre wrote a Christmas song for his creative music class..." Tori started.

"Ahhhhhh," Andre gasped.

"And it was a really great song but his teacher gave him..." Tori was cut off by Andre.

"Don't say that loud," Andre said. "A D. Ah! I said it out loud!"

"A D?" Sikowitz asked.

"I've always gotten A's in music. How does a person go from an A to a D?" Andre asked.

"Happened to me in eighth grade," Jade said. I looked at her confused. She pulled me into her chest.

"Well, I'm sorry Andre. Now," Sikowitz walked over to us. "Yo!" Sikowitz yelled at Beck.

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