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My hood fell down revealing half of my hair being white and the other half being  its normal h/c "Y/n I thought you said you didn't get struck" Kristina asked clearly hurt at the lie that I had told "I know, but the only thing matter is the kingdom" I said holding my cloak tighter around me feeling the cold wind brush up against my skin.

"She's as cold as ice" one of the trolls that were holding me said feeling my forehead "Same with Andrew" Kristina worriedly looks at Andrew with her arms wrapped around keeping him held up. Just then a rumbling noise was herd as another trolled rolled over popping out "There is strange magic here" the gruff voice spoke looking at the both of us "Granpabbie" Kristina spoke releasing a short breath.

"Come, come. Bring them to me" Granpabbie said as the trolls guided me towards him "Y/n, Andrew, your life is in danger. There is ice in your heart put there by Elson" I turned my attention Andrew who had wide eyes at the news "If not removed, to solid ice will you freeze, forever"

"What, no" Andrew voiced cracked "Y/n yours is a threat to your body and you're running out of time" he raspy spoke placing on to mind as tears blurred my vision "No...sh...no..Y/n can't die" Andrew said hyperventilating as Kristina rubbed circles on his back "But you can remove it, right?" Kristina asked as hoped feel her heart "I cannot. I'm sorry Kristina"

"If it was their head, that would be easy. But only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart" Just then a thought popped into Andrews head "An act of true love?" Andrew thought aloud as everything was starting to process "A true love's kiss, perhaps?" Kristina's mother spoke out as a few of the adult trolls turned to kiss their husbands

"Y/n you need to go back to Elson you're in love with him" Andrew spoke trying to get me to go, I let out a sigh as a tear slipped down my face "Andrew he doesn't love me I may love him but her does not love which is why it won't work" I cried out to my friend "No, no, no you have to if not the-" I immediately cut Andrew off "I am Queen Y/n Anastasia of Samaria and you will obey me when I tell you to just let me go and save your kingdom Prince Andrew. I know we've been friends since we were born but I need you to stop worrying about me right now" I paused for a moment letting tears pour down my face

"Your kingdom needs you and I need you to do this if I die then so be it" I spoke finishing my speech"But what about your kingdom" Andrew said grabbing my wrist letting a tear fall down his face "Then they will find another queen" my voice quivered. Andrew and I gasped feeling another cold shiver travel through our body as more of Andrews hair had turned white.

My hair was slowly turning white leaving two strands of my hair h/c "Andrew, we've got to get you back to Hana" Kristina said making Andrew slowly nod his head "Hana" he muttered "Pull us out, Sven" Sven lowered his antlers pulling both Kristina and Andrew out as she turned towards me grabbing my hand "Olaf, come on!" Kristina called out to the short snowman "I'm coming!" he giggled.

Sven bent down so it would be easier for us to get on as Kristina placed Andrew in the front holding on to him and held out a hand for me to grab on to as I hopped on the back wrapping my arms around her waist. Olaf hurriedly jumped on Sven holding on tight to my dress "Let's go kiss Hana! Who is this Hana?" Olaf realized he didn't know who the woman was.
Hana who sat on her horse with multiple soldiers following her stared at the ice castle with shock "We are here to find Queen Y/n and Prince Andrew. Be on guard, but now harm is to come to the king" Hana boomy spoke out to the men hopping down from her horse with a small grunt escaping her lips "Do you understand?" she called out hearing a few 'yes'.

Two soldiers gave each other a smug smirk know they had other plans. Just Hana began a big form of what seemed like to be regular snow growled getting up from his spot. Hana quickly pulled out her sword taking a step back from growling snowman.

The snowman swung his ice circled fingers towards Hana who reacted quick and ducked jumping back as soldiers threw sharp spears and fired their crossbows which angered the snow. Sharp spears of ice formed on its head as its eyes glowed a bright blue, it let out a distinguished roar and swung its arm slamming two soldiers into the snow. The two soldiers let out a grunt as they had saw Elson close the ice castle doors "The king" the man grunted as the dukes soldiers got up grabbing their crossbow making their way to the castle.

The ginormous snowman was too busy with Hana and the other soldiers to notice them. The soldiers and Hana were knocked down on to the cold white snow, just when Hana was about to get up she saw the dukes soldier running up the ice steps "Go, go! Come on!" One of the dukes soldier growled running up the steps.

Elson could hear the voices from the dukes getting closer towards and the castle and began to panic running up the stairs not daring to look back. The dukes guards burst through the door searching for Elson when on them spotted him running up the stairs "Come on!" he yelled as they started running after him.

Elson ran into a room finally realizing that he's trapped as the two soldiers ran in "We got him" he ruffly spoke as they pointed their crossbows at him circling around him "No, please" Elson begged raising his hand up. The man didn't care what the king said as he shot an arrow at him, Elson shut his eyes tight and raised his arms blocking his face as ice appeared in front of him capturing the arrow before it could hit him.

He released a shaky breath slowly opening his eyes 'Go around, toss it" one of dukes thugs said tossing an arrow towards the other man "Stay away!" Elson yelled out shooting ice at the thugs as they quickly due red out of the way and continue to attack the king "Fire! Fire!"

Elson begin to protect himself from the two thugs. Hana is nearly crushed by the giant snowman foot but she rolls away and jump to her feet grabbing her sword and swings it cutting the snowman leg off. Marshmallow begins to stumble back and falling off the the cliff but not before he strikes Hana breaking as Hana falls grabbing part of the now broken stair.

Soldiers quickly rushed to her aid pulling her back on to the ice steps. King Elton on the other hand was breathing heavily observing how both thugs were moving. In two swift movements Elson traps one of the thugs in a cage of spikes and one spike slowly creeps at his neck as the man lets out a whimper.

The king turned his gaze at the other thug knocking the crossbow out his hands with his powers, the thug tried to escape but Elson blocked the sides of him and makes an ice wall and pushes it towards the man. The balcony doors shattered slowly pushing the man towards the edges. Hana and the men rushed in coming to a halt seeing the scene in front of them "King Elson!" Hana yelled "Don't be the monster they fear you are" Hana spoke loudly as Elson snaps out of his rage panting slowly lowering his hands.

Not noticing the thug raising his bow taking that to an advantage to kill him, Hana quickly dashes over to pushing the crossbow up just as the arrow releases hitting the iced chandelier, having above Elson.

Not noticing the thug raising his bow taking that to an advantage to kill him, Hana quickly dashes over to pushing the crossbow up just as the arrow releases hitting the iced chandelier, having above Elson

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Elson lets out a gasp before running away as the chandelier came crashing to the ground, he tripped over his own feet before everything went completely dark.
Words: 1420

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