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Art by me!

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Art by me!

"What's his name?"

"I want you to decide."

"Whaddya think, Wil?"

"Hmm.... how bout Thomas? Or Tommy?"

"Tommy it is, then."

Tommy awoke, startled. He kept having that dream. He was in the dark, and all he could hear was those same voices. He traced his green flower tattoo, calming down.

The door opened, and Puffy came in. She grinned, pulling the drapes from the window and letting sunlight shine right in Tommy’s eyes. "Wake up, Toms! It your biiiirthdaaaaay!" she said excitedly. Tommy perked up and hopped out of bed.

"Dream put aside all his work so he could spend the entire day with you. How does that sound?"

Tommy didn't answer, already in the closet getting dressed. He came out wearing a white shirt and scarlet vest. He gave Puffy a big hug and rushed out of the room.


Dream leaned against the window, watching the clouds move across the sky. It was a perfect day for Tommy to celebrate his seventeenth birthday. He inhaled the fresh morning breeze, smiling.


Dream looked up as the young prince rushed down the hallway. Dream held out his arms as Tommy shot into them, wrapping him in a hug. Tommy hummed with approval as Dream ruffled his golden hair.

When they finally let go of each other, Tommy was too excited to stay still. "We're heading to town, right?" he asked, pulling his brother down the hallway and toward the stairs. Dream laughed.

"If that's what you want. We'll go after breakfast."

It had been years since Tommy had seen the Grand Hall, having spent the seven years of his real life in the upper parts of the palace. He skipped through the room, marveling at how massive it was.

Tommy stumbled, his legs giving way, and he fell to the floor. Even five years of practicing, he still had a hard time staying up straight.

Dream rushed over and helped him up. "Maybe you should just walk, Toms."

Tommy nodded. Then he noticed something on one of the walls.

It was a large painting that he had once posed for with Dream.

Twelve-year-old Tommy sat in a wheelchair, smiling at anyone who looked at the painting. Behind him, a younger Dream rested a gentle hand on his brother's shoulder, with a matching grin. Tommy had always wondered where this painting had gone.

"Until my reign, and yours, is over, this painting will stay in the Grand Hall. When we retire or die, it will be moved to the Hall of Monarchs in the western side of the castle." Dream said. Tommy didn't answer, just stared in wonder.

A servant walked in a few minutes later. "Your Majesty, Prince Tommy, breakfast is prepared for the both of you in the garden."

Dream nodded. "C'mon Tommy! You've never been in the lower gardens, have you?"

Tommy shook his head, grinning from ear to ear. He had only spent his time in the upper gardens until then.

Dream led him down a corridor, past the kings suite until they were in a beautiful, large garden. Butterflies flitted from flower to flower, and vines ran down large trees of all kinds.

They passed through arches and over bridges until they found themselves at a small marble patio. A table had been set up for the both of them, covered with an array of dishes: Boiled eggs, ham, fruit salad, red snapper, bread pudding, cheese omlettes, etc. Tommy sat down at one end of the table and took a small portion of everything. His brother did the same. After breakfast, Tommy explored the garden a bit more, then they made their way to the stables.

Tommy knew how to ride horses, spending most of his time in the library learning about the world and sports. He was especially interested in horseback, and loved to tell Puffy facts about the animals (Puffy had been stuck in the upper palace for many years too, looking after the prince). He picked a white mare with grey speckles, mounted it with ease, and took a few laps around the stable as Dream prepared his own horse.

When they were ready, they made their way out of the palace and towards the town.

People cheered and waved as the two men passed, Tommy waving back to everyone he saw. He marveled at the houses and buildings, and was two excited to be proper when Dream led them to a stable and told Tommy they were going to visit the markets.

Tommy stopped at every stall, looking at the array of merchandise. He had friendly talks with some of the merchants, and when a group of children ran up to him, Tommy couldn't help but giving each of them a piggyback ride. (The children followed him everywhere after that.)

The sun was setting when the brothers finally went back to the stable.

Tommy was brushing the mane of his horse, when a shriek echoed through the market. A woman pointed up into the air.

A monster glided overhead. They had the body of a man, but bony blue wings sprouted from their back. Their hair was brown and their clothes were dark blue. Their sharp eyes scanned the crowd, then locked on Tommy.

The creature hesitated for a moment at the sight of the young prince, then zoomed towards the boy with an inhuman cry. "No." Dream shouted, jumping in front of Tommy and drawing his sword. The monster lurched back into the air just in time to avoid the swinging blade. Then they flew back into the sky, heading for the border of the kingdom. Dream sheathed his sword and whirled around to Tommy.

"Are you alright?" he asked the younger, who nodded nervously.

"Prince!" a voice cried out. Everyone turned to a cloaked old man, pushing through the crowd and grabbing Tommy’s arm, pulling the boy down to meet his eyes. "Prince, you have brought an omen coming here. Hide in your tower, do not come back. You will doom our county with your presence. Darkness is coming to our kingdom. And you have started it!"

"Get away from him!" Dream growled and pulled Tommy away from the man. "Go home, if you know what's good for you!"

The man looked at Dream with clouded eyes. Then he turned and disappeared into the crowd.

Tommy met Dream's eyes, his face betraying his fear. "Dream... is that true?"

Dream shook his head. "No Tommy. You are nothing but perfect. Don't listen to him. C'mon, let's go home."


Tommy sat at his window in his suite, watching the moon rise. Puffy entered his room, making the bed and pulling the drapes closed. "Toms, it's time for bed."

Tommy didn't answer. All he could think about were the words of that man. But he stood up and crossed the room to his bed. Puffy smiled, blowing out the lamp. "Tommy, if you need anything, I'll be down the hall in my room, 'kay?"

Only darkness answered her. She sighed, and closed the door behind her.

Right outside the window, a creature waited.

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