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(Tommy by me, but background is not mine)

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(Tommy by me, but background is not mine)

When Phil turned around to acknowledge Tommy trailing after him, asking if he could join in on the Luncheon, something felt oddly satisfied when his... his father nodded.

He was led back to his wing of the castle and then down a small corridor, which led to a wide rectangular room. Beyond a grand desk stacked with papers, seven large doors on the far wall stretched up to the high ceiling.

There were 6 in total.

And there Tommy was left, the four servants that were accompanying him backed against the wall with their head bowed. Seeing as the desk (which probably belonged to the Wardrobe Mistress/Master) was empty, Tommy went venturing on his own.

The doors were labeled by a small gold plaque near the handle. Tommy read them as he walked down the wall. Pressing Room. Daily attire. Formal Attire. Changing Room. Shoes. Accessories.

With a sigh, Tommy knew what awaited.

He pushed formal attire and was met with a long corridor, clothes hanging on each side except for the end, where 3 large windows stood as well as a 3-way mirror.


King Philza was rich, and he liked to show it.

The variety of formal clothes were endless. The colours varied from dark sea-foam to light fawn to the palest shade of peach. The fabrics varied as often as the colour. He examined each outfit with intrigued attention; he had never seen so many choices in one closet; the sheer amount could clothe the Green Kingdom's Army.

Tommy's attention was quickly drawn to something half hidden, wedged between a salmon button down and aquamarine dress shirt.

He dug between the two and pulled out his favorite outfit so far.

A high-collared white blouse and a silk ascot adorned by an intricate gold pendant with a glittering emerald set proudly in the center. A velvet waistcoat hung over the shirt, patterned with a swirling design of unfurling branches, crows, and skulls, gold and black, contrasting with the crimson tones of the garment. High waisted black trousers were trimmed with gold as well, thin chains hanging from the waist on one side. A long, high collared coat hung down to knee level and was trimmed in glittering gold thread, buttons carved with the familiar insignia of the Antarctic Empire (Tommy didn't wear the coat).

He unhooked the outfit from its hanger and with gentle care, took it out to the main room before entering the changing room.

It was the most incompetent changing room he had ever been in. Massive windows lined the walls where there weren't mirrors. Tommy sighed. At least he could close the drapes.

He spent the next five minutes tugging at heavy velvet before giving up and retreating to a hidden corner, changing.

When he was finally dressed he chanced a look in the mirror. The Green Kingdom tattoo made itself known, still clearly and inevitably visible. But what really concerned him was the messy mop of blonde hair that seemed to spring in every direction.

He popped his head out of the closet, grabbing the attention of the servants. "Excuse me? Would anyone happen to know how to braid hair?"

And now Tommy stood on the terrace, watching the Luncheon in the Oasis below. His hair was tied back in a loose but effective ponytail, tiny braids entwined throughout and tied with a smooth silk ribbon which matched the color of his waistcoat, blowing in the unnaturally tropical breeze.

"Go on." One of the maids nudged him forward. Tommy stumbled a bit but nodded and bowed, before making his way down to the Oasis.

The Luncheon took place in the center of the garden, where a long tent had been pitched, decorated with flowers of all kinds. Below it, a long dining table spread from one side to the other. It was crowded with finely dressed nobles, all chatting along with the clinking of silverware. At the end of the table sat Phil, and on his right, an empty seat.

The king looked up and met his son's eyes.

The table went silent as Phil stood, staring at Tommy with what looked like a mixture of pride and love and a hint of relief.

"Tommy," Phil smiled softly. "You've finally come to join us."

"Forgive my delay," Tommy replied.

"No need for the proper tone, Toms. Come, join us."

Philza patted the seat beside him and Tommy hastily lurched forward, taking a seat a little too quickly for his liking. He ducked his head as all eyes followed him, watching his every move.

"My friends," Phil acknowledged the others. "The rumors spread through the castle are true. I would like to introduce myself youngest son, Prince Theseus, though he goes by Tommy now."

Tommy flashed his father a quick smile.

"Tommy," Phil added. "These are my fellow rulers, as well as leading members of our military. You'll be able to meet them later, since they'll be staying in the palace for a few days for personal matters."

The young prince inhaled sharply before nodding. "Good afternoon, everyone," he said, turning to face the others. They mumbled their replies if replying at all, focused on the meal before them or looking elsewhere; anywhere but Tommy.

Tommy spared a quick glance at his father who nodded and placed a cold hand on his. Eventually talking resumed, but choppy and distant. He bit his lip and pretended to become very interested in the tablecloth.

"So, Prince Tommy," a deep but gentle voice said. Tommy looked up and met black sunglasses across the table, peeking out beneath curly hair. He almost thought it was Wilbur before he noticed the pink silk dress the person was wearing, and the golden crown perched on their head. Pink feathers lined their cheeks in a sweeping pattern that was decidedly an Avian trait.

"It's nice to make your acquaintance," they said, holding out their hand. "My name is Eret of the Pride Kingdom, any/all."

"Pleasure," the prince replied, shaking it. "He/him."

"I've heard much about you," Eret said. "I hope this new predicament hasn't shocked you."

"A bit of a fever. Nothing el-" Tommy looked over and noticed the entire table had gone silent. Even Philza.

"By all means, finish your conversations," Eret piped. "I'm simply finding our new-found prince quite a delight."

As voices filled the garden once more, Tommy noticed the occasional glance in his direction, surprised but with a new-found respect.

"Nothing else," the prince continued.

"Are you used to this?" she replied.


Eret leaned in, pulling down his sunglasses and revealing milky white eyes, pulsing with the faintest glow. They spoke in a hushed tone, barely audible.

"Finding out your life is a lie?"

Tommy shot to his feet. The entire table rose with him. "No- No, please continue your meal," he assured the guests. "I'm just feeling a bit tired. Excuse me, your Majesty." He nodded to everyone and quickly headed in the direction of the South Wing. He could feel Eret's smile drilling into him the entire way.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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