Chapter 15 || Tory Comes Back, Training, A Car Accident & Junior Prom

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Sam and I stand together at school as we see Tory walking in, she looks around as people talk about her, "it's her."

She walks up to Sam, "I heard you let me back in, LaRusso. So I guess I should—"

"I don't know what game you're playing, but we're not scared of you, especially me. You're not in control here, I am. Her parents might fall for your bullshit, but if you so much as look at me funny, I will kick your ass for a third time. I'm coming for you, bitch," I threatened her as both Sam and I walk away.

Sam held my arm, "oh my god, my best friend threatening the baddest bitch that strolled into town? Who knew you could make her semi scared of you?"

"I have my ways, not afraid to say what I wanna say you know?" I tell her as we chuckled smiling.

She chuckled then she gasped, "oh my god!"

"What?" I asked worried.

"Your bump! It's showing! Well, just a tad bit," she said smiling.

I looked down at my stomach seeing it out a little bit, I smiled, "wow, I can't believe the tournament is now a month away and the baby will be growing."

"Yep! Are you excited for the baby to come?" She asked.

I nodded smiling, "when am I not excited? Haha, but yes I am. The baby is most likely to be due in October, so it'll be amazing."

"Oh my god an October baby! That's super cute," she says happily.

I chuckled as we both walked to class, after talking about my second child the girls were looking at me smiling, "congratulations Katrina."

"Congratulations! Second baby from the All Valley champ! You guys are the cutest!" Another one said.

Yasmine walks up next to us linking both of her arms with each of ours, "congratulations Trina, seems you and Miguel have been doing it a lot huh?"

"Hush Yas, no one needs to know," I said lowly.

Sam chuckled, "but to answer your question Yas, she has been."

She gasped, "dirty, but I'm happy for you guys. The more cute babies you guys make, the more auntie Yas will spoil them."

We laughed, it felt nice to be friends with amazing people, besides the fact that I barely know the other girls or guys here at the school. Some guys here have a crush on me, but I don't want that to get the better of me or even get Miguel to kick their innocent asses when they didn't even do anything.

The next morning I was at Miguel's house watching him stretch while Carmen watches over Ariana, Carmen sighs as she holds her, "Miggy, you've been at it since 6am, that's a lot of stretching."

"Yeah, tournaments in a month. Sensei's gonna be kicking our ass all week," Miguel tells her.

She looks at him, "and you like that?"

"Yeah, I do."

There was a knock, Carmen opens it as she holds Ariana, "hey, Johnny."

"Hey, and hey there little miss karate kicker," he says smiling as he kisses Ariana's head.

"Your student is ready for some intense training, so is Katrina," she says to him.

He looks at Miguel and I, "oh, are they? Alright, we'll see about that."

Miguel and I looked at each other confused, then as we were going to walk out Miguel looked like he forgot something, "alright, let me...oh, I forgot my water bottle in your car."

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