Teaser || Uninvited Guest

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Aunt Freya's POV

"Hola, amigo, ¿cuánto cuesta el billete de autobús a California?" I asked the man behind the ticket booth for busses.

Translation: "Hey, friend, how much does the bus ticket to California cost?"

"Son $440.67."

Translation: "It's $440.67."


Translation: "Thank you."

"De nada."

Translation: "You're welcome."

After I bought the ticket to California, I got on the bus and took a seat, as I sat down I smirked to myself, "Voy a por ti, hermano."

Translation: "I'm coming for you, brother."

Katrina's POV

Miguel and I were walking back inside with Katrina in my arms as my bump began to get big, my abuelo on my dads side along with my abuela we're on the couch but as we walked inside from playing outside, my abuelo stood up from looking at his phone.

"Papa, what is it?" My dad asked.

He sighed, "she's here."

"Who?" Miguel asked.

My abuelo, abuela, my mom, Caitlin and I looked at each other with worried expressions. I stared at Miguel who was looking at me clueless, not knowing what was going on.


Stay tuned...


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Ahhhhh I'm sorry guys I know I'm the worst but I thought I'd throw in a teaser before the new chapters and the final season comes out.

I'm so sad this will be the last chapters, and the last season.

I wanna sue Netflix and honestly, I may cancel my subscription for it lol but my sisters watch it so that's an oof.

Anyway, I shall see you all when the new season comes out.

Love ya my bookworms! 😚✌🏼

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