The first meet

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Lemon's POV

"Teagan wake up." My mom said. "I'm awake." I groggily muttered. Monday August 12th 2022. I laid in bed trying to get the motivation to move. I scrolled through my phone and I finally got up at 6:10 and got dressed. I put on my binder and got on a plain grey shirt, I got my black and red shorts on and got on my black button up patterned with roses. I left it unbuttoned cuz I liked it that way. I went to the bathroom seeing my reflection. I saw my pale white skin generously dotted with freckles and my messy short fluffy brown hair was doing whatever it wanted but I was able to fix it slightly. Eh it's fine the rolled outta bed look fits my mental state and style in general.

I used the bathroom and went back to my room putting my glasses on. I put on my school ID with my trans flag lanyard. I took my black wireless headphones off the charger and them on the back of my neck. I took my chrome book off the charger and put it in my black mesh bag. I went into the hallway and walked into the hall and over to our dining room table that we never ate at. It just had a bunch of junk on it. I went to the kitchen counter where the meds were. I opened the bottle of my ADHD meds taking out one of the slim orangish capsules. I didn't feel like taking them but I had to.

I got a water bottle and took my meds then going and putting my water bottle in the side pocket of my black mesh book bag. "Ready for school again?" My mom asked her walking from the hallway past me into our small kitchen. "No not really." I said. Days like these I wish I was back on online school. "Don't worry soon you'll graduate and go off to college." Mom said jokingly. I was 16 and in sophomore year cuz I got held back as a kid.

"Last school year went by fast but I don't think this one will." I said feeling a lot of paranoia. "Dude you alright?" I heard Mist say. She was one of my alters. I tried telling my mom about them back in May but she acts like it never happened. I walked back into my room and grabbed my book bag slinging it over my shoulder. "I'm just a little anxious." I muttered out loud.

"Hopefully my classes will have friends from last year. Make things less..difficult." I said to my alters who were listening, thankfully mom was getting her coffee so she wasn't paying attention. "Hopefully staff aren't such dickwads this year." Mist joked. I chuckled. I went from the hallway into the dining room and into the living seeing my big Great Dane sitting on the big part of the couch.

I petted her face and head. "Hi Daisy." I said with a soft smile. She lifted up her huge head to sniff my face and lick my nose. "Aw thanks daisy. Hey mom daisy's being cute." I told mom as she got her coffee together in her metal to go cup. Finally me and mom left as she dropped me off at school. Everyone was so fucking loud. I have sensory issues so this was just to much. I understand we're back but calm down it's only 7:05 in the morning. I put my headphones on blocking them out looking into the school. As they set up the metal detector.

~time skip to lunch cuz I rather not make a whole class schedule for this story~

I sat alone at a lunch table in the same spot I used to last school year. I was listening to music as I ate some chips till I felt a tap on my shoulder. I took off my headphones and looked up at- oh great this annoying mother fucker. His name was Adam he had tight curls of brown hair and a punchable face. Last year he was in my drama class and his favorite thing to do was to fuck with me and a lot of other people.

He would tell me shit like. "Did you know trans people are a mental illness and deserve to be murdered and die." Knowing full well I'm a trans guy. At one point I got so tired of his antics coming back from the auditorium I started punching him in front of my entire class and my drama teacher. Thankfully Mr.biles also hated him so he got in more trouble then I did. But why the fuck was he standing in front of me with a smirk.

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