The party

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Lemon's POV

It's been 6 years since I killed my mom and brother. Life's been good honestly. Apparently the house Smiley brought me to was a parallel dimension where nobody was dead before the incident and me and my family didn't exist. Ever since I got here I've been trying to get better at music and I've made a pretty successful career here. My band's called sadistic laughter cringe I know but I genuinely didn't have any other original sounding ideas. I mean I did make up the name when I was 10 going and through an emo phase but no other name stuck so. Ava usually plays bass, Cassidy plays drums, and Mist either does piano or backup guitar depending on the song, and I'm lead vocals but I usually also play lead guitar as well.

Sometimes I visit the grave of my brother and mom. I wonder how they're doing in the after life. I do regret what I did but Smiley always says it was better this way so I could have a happier life to live. Maybe he's right, tho I do miss hugs from mom. Recently I found a cool tree in a clearing deep in the forest sadly it's dying as well as its surroundings. I don't really know why it's dying honestly. I've tried to save it as best as I can but it just isn't working and I don't know why.

In past couple years smiley was very supportive and would actually take me to explore different dimensions with him but in the past year he's gotten kind of weird and keeps trying to convince me to kill people again. I haven't killed since the massacre I committed. I have a hard time sleeping while still hearing the screams of what I did. I don't wanna hurt anyone anymore. Even when I'm in public and smiley isn't there I can hear him whispering in my ear to kill. I can almost feel his claw digging into my shoulder I'm starting to doubt getting involved with him was a good idea.. but he's still a good person he's like a father figure i just gotta uphold my boundaries a bit more and make it clear I don't wanna hurt anyone he won't get mad. Over the last years I opened up and he knows everything I've been through so I don't think he'd wanna hurt me anymore.

"Lemon." Mist said snapping me outta my thoughts. "Sorry I was monologuing in my journal." I said jokingly. I was sitting at my gaming desk writing in a leather journal Mist made me keep because of everything I've been through. Wish I could have a real therapist, no offense to mist but even then they wouldn't believe a single thing I tell them. "Ava made cookies and I went to the post office to get our mail and there's a red letter with your name on it." Mist said in my doorway.

"That's weird. I'm coming." I said getting up. I went out of my room with Mist and went to the dining room table where Cassidy and Vex were already eating Avas cookies. I grabbed the envelope and opened it reading the paper. "I've been invited to some Galla like party where other famous people will be." I said still staring at the paper. "Wait actually?" Cassidy asked.

"Yeah it says it right here." I said showing off the paper. Vex grabbed it and read it with Mist and Cassidy staring over his shoulder. "DID I HEAR SOMETHING ABOUT A PARTY?" Ava said running out of the kitchen. "It says here you're band is invited too so does that means only you, Mist, Cassidy and Ava will be able to go?" Vex asked still holding the paper. "Yeah I think so it doesn't say we can bring a plus one or anything." I said. "Aw I wanted to bring my sibling." Ava said frowning.

"Well on the bright side you get to wear a cute outfit." I said jokingly. "YOUR RIGHT LEMON IMMA MAKE US ALL EPIC OUTFITS TO WEAR FOR THE PARTY THIS IS GONNA BE SO GOOD!" Ava yelled running to his room excitedly. I snickered. "So when is it?" I asked. "Um it says in like 3 months." Vex said. "Then we got time to mentally prepare for that." I said "It happens may 17th and it is currently February 19th" Mist said looking at the note and taking out her phone to check the date. "Well I guess we can tell Ava he doesn't have to make the outfits immediately." I said jokingly.

"Welp Imma go practice playing my guitar." I said before walking away. "You still haven't ate breakfast." Mist said behind me. "I'll eat later I'm just really in the mood to play something and I got my snack drawer." I said turning around still inching closer to my door 2 feet away from me. Mist sighed. "Snacks aren't a meal but fine. Imma remind you to eat an actual meal later tho." Mist said. Right after that I sprinted to my room.

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