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(Started school the 11th last month and somehow I'm already failing world history so highschool is kicking my ass and making it hard to write sorry guys)

Lemon's Pov

-time skip to a month later-
Everything's been pretty good. Smiley has been teaching me how to make portals a lot easier. We changed to a different dimension one without the destruction and being filled with dead people. He didn't want me to be traumatized when my when the adrenaline and bloodlust wore off. Mr. Smiley's been really supportive and comforting to be around. He said he has a surprise for me today. I appreciate all the gifts but sometimes it's hard to tell if I really deserve it. I mean after all I did kill the only bit of family I had left. I know there's no going back but I feel like I shouldn't be so easily forgiven.

I was chilling in my room on my phone since Mr.Smiley enchanted my phone to always be connected to a dimension that updates stuff I watch which I'm happy about. I heard Mr.Smiley walking in the hallway and I looked up from my phone. "Hi Smiley." I said as he stood outside my door. "Get dressed. It's surprise time." He said with his smile still spread on his face. "Should I wear the outfit you got me or anything?" I asked getting up. "Anything is good. I'll wait outside." Mr. Smiley said walking out of the hallway. I got dressed with some red and black shorts and my binder, I put on an oversized grey shirt and a white button up with over grown human skulls on it.

I got some mismatched socks and shoes on. I got my glasses on and put my phone in my pocket. I went outside to the field seeing Mr.Smiley standing next to a open portal. "Where are we going?" I asked, walking up to him. "To the surprise." Smiley said titling his head a little bit. "That's pretty vague." I said, looking up at him.

"Aren't all surprises vague?" He asked walking up to the portal but still looking at me. "Yeah but I like hints." I said, standing beside him in front of the portal. "It's somewhere full of trees. Now you can go first." Mr.Smiley said giving me my hint. I walked through my portal seeing huge Pinetrees everywhere.

"Is this Oregon?" I asked looking around. "It is but that's not the surprise, follow." Mr.Smiley said walking past the trees. I followed him and soon after walking up a little hill we got to a clearing that led to a white 1 level house. It was a house I made for my alters in daydreams. "I didn't think I'd be able to actually see it in person." I said running up to it and going inside.

It was exactly how I imagined it the living room being right next to the door with our huge couch and chairs with our Tv hung up on the wall. There was even an Nintendo switch on the cabinet under the tv. I went to the hallway next to the living room and started going into the rooms. I went into Mist's, Cassidy's, Ava's and Sunny's rooms they were exactly how we imagined them. My door was at the beginning of the hallway it was across from the couch. I didn't wanna go in yet.

I knew it'd look but I wasn't ready for it to be real yet. I'm still processing this at windows speed. Insanity's door was across from the front door but it led to the basement which I didn't wanna go in while remembering what's down there. I went to the dining room and kitchen. I walked out and went into Vex's room which was by the back door next to the dining room. I went up the ladder across from vex's room and lifted up the trapdoor. Most of the rooms were made from pocket dimensions so Smiles room was a huge library. He has a slight addiction to books.

"I don't. I'm just smarter then you." Smiles said. I could practically see him crossing his arms in front of me. Your god complex is showing. "On the bright side his edginess isn't showing as much right now." Mist said joining in teasing Smiles. "You guys are so immature." He said. I laughed and climbed down the ladder. "What's funny?" Mr.Smiley said standing in the living room. "Oh just talking to my alters." I said walking into the living room. "That reminds me, there's a second part to the surprise." Mr.Smiley said tilting his head.

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