Chapter 4

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3rd Person's POV

As the time passes, by the whole family Madrigal became protective over Mirabel. Even Isabela who used to hate her sister, began treating her like a princess. Alma, their Abuela also didn't let her do some heavy work. She do still let Mirabel help around to keep her company. "Hey uh Ma? Can I help Luisa in her chores?" Mirabel asked her mother with puppy eyes.

Her memories hasn't came back yet but the good thing is that she's blending in well and has made great and fun memories to those around her. "Hmmm no" Julieta answered Mira then started cooking again. "What? Why not?" Mirabel groaned and pouted like a little child. Julieta smiled at her daughter's action. She haven't done this before, the pout thingy. "Híja you're still recovering" "What? But it's been a week" Mirabel explained. She's not wrong though. "U- well you still can't go" Mirabel groaned and walked to her sister Isa that was just passing by. "Hey Isa" Isabela just stared at her sister. "Uhh hey? What do you want?" Mirabel laughed nervously by her sister's response. "What do you mea- okay can you convince Ma to let me go with Luisa to help her with chores" Mirabel pleaded her sister. Isabela raised an eyebrow then looked up to think for a few seconds. "Uhm nah but you can help me instead. I'm gonna design my room and I want to know your opinion" Mirabel clapped and jumped in excitement. "Yeah sure" Both Julieta and Isabela laughed as they did what they needed to do. "So what are you gonna do now?" Mirabel asked her sister when they got to Isabela's room.

"Hmmm I'm sick of this room full of pink and Violet colors. Maybe i should change it to green?" Isabela waved her hand and the old pink room became green. "Uh no" Isabela just nodded and changed the colors again and again.

~~~~~~~~•After a few hours•~~~~~~~

They're finally done. The walls have rainbow color made by different kind of flowers. It also have some big flower pots hanging with beautiful flowers Isabela has been growing. She can just grow them in an instant but Isabela thought that it would be fun to see them grow by time and without the help of her gift. "Mira can you give me a hand?" Isabela asked Mirabel while she's positioning the hanging flower pots using her veins. "Sure what is it?". "I kinda forgot to water the plants so can you like grab two watercans please?" Mirabel raised an eyebrow to her sister. "You know I can just water it with my gift right?" Mirabel said and made a water ball in her hands. "Yeah right- can you please?" Mirabel nodded as Isabela's veins slowly lifts her up.

Mirabel watered the plants carefuly one by one. Isabela just got her work done and started singing some familiar song while looking at the finished product that they've been working for the past few hours. "A hurricane of jacarandas" Isabela mumbled just loud enough for Mirabel to hear. "Strangling figs. Hanging vines" Mirabel stopped what she's doing to listen to her sister's singing.

Mirabel's POV

I listened to Isa's singing. Not gonna lie- she have a beautiful voice but heres the thing. I feel like I heard this song somewhere but I don't know where and when. She continued singing but I got zoned out while trying to remember the song. "Palma de cera fills the air as I climb and I push through" Isabela sang out louder and even threw some flowers and laugh. "What else can I-" I mumbled but was cut off by the pain in my head. "Urgh" I gripped my hair as some pain mysteriously rang in my head. It feels sharp and it hurts like hell. While gripping my hair I didn't realize that by my movements I lost my balance. "Hey Mira dont be naugh- MIRA!!" "AHHHH" We both screamed when I fell........

THANKFULLY, Isabela made a lot cushion like but with flowers on the ground so the fall didn't gave me any injury. I was still shocked and just stared at Isabela rushing down to me with wide eyes. "What just happe-AHHHHHH!" I was cut off again with a sharp pain in my head. "AHHHH!" I continued screaming as I felt Isa grabbing me. "What's wrong?!" Isa asked as I tried my best to answer her. "My h-head- ahhhh!" My heart is beating fast and my head continued aching . "DOLORES!! MA!!ANYONE!" Isabela shouted as I saw her tearing up. "What happened!?" I heard Ma asked Isabela but I'm too busy to make the pain disappear to care. Soon enough, I heard everyone burst to Isa's room. "Ahhhhh!" I screamed once again and I saw my vision starts to become blurry. "Mira! Here eat this!" Ma said as I ate the food she gave me but that did nothing. I gave up gripping my hair and I felt my lids became heavy and just like that, everything went black.


Whoah! That was intense!

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