Second Meet

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It's been morethan 21 hours but, that said kid is no where in the picture.

It's time for me to start practicing for Batting but I want that kid to see me while I am keeping wickets where is he??? Why is he not here yet?? thought Arthit.

"Arthit it's time for you to shift from keeping to batting. Come on pick your bat"

"Coach can I keep wickets for a while more???"

"Arthit, what's wrong?? You don't even have another 20 days for the tournament you can't risk your batting skills for wicket keeping. I know you want to concentrate more on keeping wickets but we need a batsman in fifth down as well"

"Sorry coach, I'll just bring my bat just a second"

"Come quick. Hey Kai start bowling for Arthit"
"Coach I can't, no matter what length I bowl he will just place it outside the stadium. I really can't with him coach" shouted Kai from other end while pushing Ice ahead.

"If you say that now, how can you even bowl for other team batsmen Kai????
You are a fast bowler you can't be afraid of a batsman but batsman should be afraid of your bowling"

"When will that day comes coach. I love bowling but not to Arthit"

"If Arthit is whom you afraid of bowling to then bowl to him until you get his wicket.
Then there will be nothing for you to be afraid of. It's time for you to buck up and get ready to bowl him" Kai nodded.

When Arthit came back with his bat and stood in front of the wickets, the wickets which he kept till now😅.

Kai looking straight at the wickets which are behind Arthit legs and his bat which is shielding those three sticks and two bails.

He starting running and bowled his first bowl which got missed by Arthit but it's not a out. Kai smiled a little and decided to do the same when he bowled again, this time bowl went for four. Another bowl for a wide. Another bowl which is a perfect one to pic Arthit wicket but the ball went a little higher than those wickets length.

Last ball of his over even Kai knows that Arthit is not playing his usual game and something is not right. But when he started running he saw Arthit asking him to stop and started looking around but there is no one. When he finally bowled his final ball of the over, Arthit did what he usually do but this time with a his full grin appearing on his face.

But the ball is going towards a kid who just stood there and Arthit face started to become pale. He stood there rooted. He is not even shouting or doing anything just staring at that kid until his coach called out for the kid to look at the ball which is flying towards him.

But that Kid didn't budged but he simply catched it.
Arthit became more shocked. Is that kid is the same kid who said he is afraid of that ball just cause it's hard?? How can he catch it like it's nothing???

Then he heard Kai saying "All I wanted is your wicket Arthit but see even though you are distrubed till now still you made it to Six"
May be it's Six for you but I AM OUT. Finally I am OUT for which I am happy.

"Hai Pi, I got you" by saying that he thrown that ball into the field.
You got me at your first cry thought Arthit.

Arthit just smiled at the kid and asked his coach for a little break so that he can go and talk to the kid.
A kid and a talk which he was waiting for morethan 22 hours already.

His coach nodded in agreement cause it's really rare for Arthit to ask for breaks by himself.

When Arthit reached that Kid, he pulled that kid to the bench beside them that's when that kid pulled something from his pocket and asked Arthit to open his palm. For which he did without questioning anything, then that kid placed a small chocolate bar and said " Today is my birthday Pi, so I wanted to give you this" and smiled his sweet smile which made a already racing heart of the elder to race a little more faster.

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