Chapter 30

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A/N: Chappy 30 woohoo! Yeah! Sorry for all the grammar mistakes last chapter I was just excited to post and didn't edit! So sorry!

SOME SERIOUS WEIRDNESSS right here: I wanted to dedicate this chapter to someone who commented a while back but for the life of me I couldn't FIND IT OR HER USERNAME!!!! (The comment was along the lines of: I live in Minnesota and my last name is Katz) Anyway, it's dedicated to her anyway for inspiring this chapter!!!!!

I was wondering what you thought of Caitlyn's POV? She is one of my favorite characters and wanted to know if you liked other people's perspectives.

Another Q: What do you think of Katie's thing for music? If you think of any songs let me know!

Now I'll shut up and let you read.....

Comment, Follow, Vote!



I'm oddly calm as I turn back to face Nate. His eyebrows peak out from behind his hair, puckering over his eyes which are filled with concern and panic. His arms are slightly extended and he looks very warm, everything about him says 'concern' and 'open'. I'm vaguely aware of Caitlyn still being held back by a shocked looking Tom, and Everett's tight hold on Claire, but pretty much all of my attention is on the waiting boy in front of me.

"Katie are you okay?" asks Nate hesitantly. I shrug, talking seems like it would take an exorbitant amount of effort.

His eyes widen some more in worry, but I look away from his face in favor of taking the few white steps between us into his chest. He wraps his arms around me then, in a particular way that makes me think he's trying to block everything life throws at me. It's more than a little endearing, though I know he would eventually fail miserably. I trust him, as I said before, but not the world and certainly not myself.

Suddenly my head ache reappears with a vengeance and I start to shake, so I close my eyes and hide myself in his chest. I realize that this is one thing I never do, hide. Freeze and run have always been my only go to's, so seeing the new option is kind of odd. Maybe because I had nowhere to hide -but now I have Nate.

He's a nice thing to have, too. Being in his arms seems to fade every pain in my body.

"Are you hurt?" he asks in my ear, still curled around me.

"No," I say, and he relaxes a bit.

"I'm so sorry she did that."

I let out a dry, humorless laugh in response and say, "It happens, don't worry about it."

He pulls back some to look at me then, and I see that Tom has released Caitlyn hesitantly on the ground. Nate's eyes are deadly serious as he says, "It shouldn't, I should have been there."

"She doesn't bother me," I reply honestly. The only reason I'd gotten involved was because Caitlyn had.

"How could THAT not bother you?" Tom says incredulously, clearly stealing Nate's words from his mouth.

I shrug again and twist in Nate's arms so that I'm facing the others, who are looking at us intensely. "It could be much worse."

They all stare at me, Nate with a cold backdrop in his eyes meaning he's thinking about John and the others with a confusion concern mix.

"Can we eat before you remake my face?" I ask Claire, who's mouth kind of drops open.

"Sure," she squeaks, and Everett squeezes her waist. "You're seriously fine?"

"Positive, Claire, don't worry. Wait, Caitlyn?" I say, turning to my the girl. "Are YOU okay?"

A grin brakes across my spitfire of a friend then, and she says through the screen of pearly whites, "I have never been better. My Blonde Bitch Sis has finally gotten her ass kicked, and I landed some fantastic punches. THIS. IS. AWESOME. Lunch is on me."

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