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??? POV:

I was running; couldn't feel my legs. The flowers in my hands were fighting the wind. My heart was tearing apart. I couldn't breathe but the love inside my soul for her kept me going. She didn't know who I was, but I knew her.

I caught my glasses before they could fall . I kept running. I saw the ambulance at the shop she worked at and I knew something was wrong. Now tears were threatening to fall down my face. This hurts.

I made it to the hospital and ran in to the front desk. "Where is Ping Lee?!.. where's her room located." The front desk lady looked at me like I asked a dumb question. "Ping Lee? I'm sorry but we don't have a patient booked in named Ping Lee sir." She said. I turned around and looked around me to see no sight of her. I dropped the flowers and ran back outside.

I ran and ran. I took a sharp left and I heard a loud beep from a car. I bowed to them and started running faster and faster. I reached the shop and opened the door to see no one. I gripped my hair in frustration. I took off my glasses and sat down. Where is she.. I then heard a movement inside the kitchen. "Who's there?!" I said. I got up and grabbed the chair next to me to use as a weapon or some shield.I walked slowly. I leaned over to see the person I was looking for. "I'm sorry.. I didn't notice someone coming in.." I placed the chair down next to me. she tried getting up but I grabbed her arms and placed her on the chair.

I saw a piece of glass inside her calf. "What happened here.." I said looking around the kitchen to see glass everywhere. "A coworker of mine somehow passed out, guessing you must've seen the whole commotion." She said. "Where is he now?" I asked her looking at her to see her hair in front of her face. My hand reached out to her hair and placed it in the back of her ear. She looked at me with her doe eyes and I saw her cheeks tint red. I smiled. "H-He's in the hospital right now." She replied swiping my hand away from her face. I frowned but I kept my space.


"OW!!" I said as her hand left my head after slapping it with all her might. "Don't take it out you idiot !!" She said as she gripped onto the chair. "Why not?, you won't let me take you to the hospital and it has to come out sooner or later.." I said while looking at her wound. I touched it and earned a kick to my head. I grabbed her thigh so I could hold it in place and took out the glass faster than I could run. She screamed and started crying. "It's okay.. it's okay" she grabbed me and I hugged her. "I have to finish this okay?" I said looking at her wet eyes " can you let me take care of you?" She nodded slowly.

I took off my tie and I told her to bite onto it as I aided her wound. I bent down and used a nearby clean cloth to help her. "Do you have any med kits nearby?" I asked her "it's inside the supply closet" I got up and walked to it but I felt a hand stopping me. I turned around to see her looking up at me.

"Why are you doing this.." she asked me while letting go of my hand. "you're doing this to sleep with me .. aren't you?." My face flushed red from the sudden question "w-what?.. no" her head moved to the right "get out.." she whispered "why? What about your- "I SAID GET OUT!!!!" She screamed as tears were running down her face "..o-ok.." Before Walking out I heard her cries and whimpers. If she can't let me help her.. I won't force her, but my heart was too big to leave.

I stopped walking and turned around. I walked to the supply closet and grabbed the med kit and set it down on the kitchen counter. "I told you to- "I heard you, but I'm not gonna listen. You're in need of help and you can't do this on your own. I'm not someone who'll sleep with a women who's vulnerable.." I said making stern eye contact with her.

She nodded her head indicating to allow me to help. I wrapped the bandage around her calf as she winced in pain. "I know. I know." I was finished. "See.. simple as that.." I said to her as she looked down to her fingers and apologized. I bent down to look at her eyes. "Hey, it's okay, just don't think all men value the same thing. I value you letting me able to help you more than me being inside of you." Her cheeks tinted red and she smiled.

"C'mon. I'll take you home" I said. I carried her onto my back and made sure her leg was okay. She told me where she lived and the sun started going down. I felt her head on my shoulder. She fell asleep. I knocked on the door. No answer. I waited a bit. "No one's home.." she said "oh.. sorry" I said and opened her door and took off my shoes with her still on my back. I walked in to see trash everywhere. Everything was dirty, but I didn't mind. "Where's your room?." I asked and she pointed at a door and I walked to it and opened it. I tuned on the lights to see a single bed and a few books on the floor, the only things inside.

I gently placed her down on the bed making sure she slept facing the bed so her calf wasn't squished. I put a small blanket over her small body and tucked her in. I moved her hair back and smiled. I got up and felt her grab me. I tuned around "stay.." she said "stay with me" I wasn't sure what to say.. "o-ok" I hesitated. I sat down on the floor next to her. Her hand was still holding mine. As time flew by my eyelids felt heavy as I drifted off to sleep right next to her. What a day..



Who is this mystery mannnn and why ain't he next to MY bed 😟??

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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