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I wiped the sweat trickling down my forehead as my self-minded hands cut some fresh ripe fruits preparing them when they go into the blender. I then look at my wrist to see the now glistened watch that my older brother bought me for my birthday a few months ago; it was 9:49 pm.

I threw the fresh fruits in the blender and then the cap. I press the on button and watched as the beautiful fruits now were blending inside the blender. I walked to the sink to wash my hands and look outside of the window to see the moon staring back at me. I shook my hands dry and grabbed the cup where the logo "Soothing smoothie" appeared where a small frog was drinking a cup of smoothie on a lily pad.

I then pressed the off button on the blender and then poured the pink/purple like thick liquid inside the smoothie cup, and handed it to the guy who appeared to always come here on Thursdays to stare at our new manager. He had raven black hair and wore glasses that always tried to escape off his nose, but his finger always caught it in the nick of time.

Our old manager injured himself when our fruits in the safe room spilled all over the place. One step on a slippery fruit, you could fall and hurt yourself. Exactly what Mr. Lee did. He brought his daughter, Ping, to take his place when he recovers. I admit she is quite beautiful, but I always see her with different guys from time to time.

I looked at my watch to read 10:04. Damn, time flies when you're busy huh? I then hear the ringing of the bell from the door implying that someone has either left or entered the Smoothie shop, but gladly it was the boy from earlier. I walked to the button that shined the word "OPEN" in purple neon lights. I shut it off indicating that we aren't open. I walk back into the kitchen and started cleaning up.

I glared at the splatted strawberry on the floor and then walked to the closet where it stored all of our cleaning supplies. I grabbed the mop and the bucket of water and started cleaning the kitchen.


I sighed loudly as I look around to see the now squeaky clean kitchen. I walked back to the closet and returned the mop and the bucket. I grabbed the keys to the shop and grabbed my belongings and on the way shutting off the lights. I work alone at this hour and I'm fine with it. Haha, people must think I look intimidating or something. I stepped out of the shop and l locked it. I hopped on my motorbike and looked at my watch and it read 10:53

I stopped at a red light only a few blocks away from my home and waited patiently. I tapped lightly on the handles to my motorbike and looked to my left to see a girl waiting till she's able to walk across the street. I then looked at the black box that went green telling her that she was able to walk across. She has brown hair that glowed in the street lights and her style of clothing were very professional. [Imagine what you want to imagine :) ] I couldn't take my eyes off of her until I heard the beep of the car behind me which snapped me back into realty.

"Issac is ... is sorry" I say under my breath and drove my motorbike away to my home destination. On the way, I couldn't stop thinking of the girl crossing the street and how delicate and soft she looked. I smiled inside my helmet and drove on.

Arriving in front of my shared home with my 2 older brothers. I took off my helmet and opened the seat and placed my black helmet that had Micky-Chan's blushing sticker face on the side. I turned off the engine to my motorbike and walked the pavement leading to my front door.

I opened the door and sighed. It was dark, but the t.v was the only light source inside the house. I see Griff snoring loudly while he's next to piles and piles of cheese balls chips. I then grabbed the broom that was magically next to me and walked up to Griff and wacked him in the face. He then woke up, but didn't say anything, but saw me pointing to the direction of his room.

He lazily got up and stumbled to his room. I then took off my backpack and started cleaning... again


I yawned and looked at my watch; 11:47pm I took off my apron and placed it on the hook in the kitchen and walked to fridge and opened it and walked in and slept peacefully.


I hope you like my first chapter :)
I wrote it at the wrong time ... 5-7 am :,)
It's alright ! Anything for my darlings !!
I hope you enjoy the rest of my book !! <3


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