I Just Really Really Love You

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"you know I love you" I started as I made my way inside the house. I looked around in search of my dear Husband, but he was nowhere to be seen. Must be upstairs.

I placed the box I brought with me on the ground sofly then made my way into the kitchen. I placed the stuff I had just bought away and took out some bread aswell. I started on making myself a sandwhich when footsteps made their way down the stairs.

"Oh you're back. Thank fuck." he said and moved to plant a kiss on my face then on my lips. I rolled my eyes.

"you don't love me for me. You just love me for my cooking skills" I said and sighed as i pushed a plate with pb&j towards him. I smiled when I saw the look on he's face.

"Oh wow babe. This looks amazing I'm so glad I married a pb&j champion sandwicher, my man's is the baddest on the street" he said and rolled he's eyes. He took a bite of he's sandwhich and moaned. "yeah that hits the spot" he stood up and took out the OJ and poured us both a glass.

"how's the work coming along?" I asked when we'd settled down and were finishing our sandwiches with a passion.

"Oh it's coming along. Im almost finished with my second to last chapter and I'm feeling good." he said and sighed. I smiled. It really pays to be a stay at home writer and editor. Then I picked up out dishes and moved to the kitchen.

"well. The bakery has been doing  well on my end. I might juts take a vacation and leave Simon and Armin in charge. You know they are the most responsible. Mikasa on the other hand..." I said and sighed. He came and stood behind me. I almost wanted to laugh. I was quite taller than my husband, but that didn't stop him from cuddling into my back.

" you can't really blame the kid. She's only 16 and if she's really much of an asshole like I am. Being her brother and all..im sure she'll step up soon enough." he said and kissed me between my shoulders

I sighed and leant more into him.

"Oh shit!" I said and quickly dried my hands on the hand towel nearby. I turned and grabbed him closer to me. "you know I really really love you right?" I asked and made puppy eyes at him. He sighed.

"yes Eren. I know that. And I know that I love you very very much as well.. And I also know this face you're making.. Which spells trouble. So spill." he said and crossed his arms.

I smiled and started around the kitchen table. And picked up the box I had put down on the ground. When I moved around the table a small meow came out of the box and Levi's eyes went wide.

I smiled and moved the box towards him. He grabbed it and placed it gently on the table then his hand went inside and he lifted the tiny kitten out.

"her name is jinx, because she always seemed to make trouble between her brothers and sisters."

He lifted the tiny little black kitten up to his face and looked into her green eyes. "ooh you're a cutie aren't you?" he asked her and she meowed back. He broke into a smile. "I think jinx is the perfect name for purrfect kitty such as you" he said and smiled at me.

"Oh Eren she's so fucking cute" he said to me then continued to hold her close to him.

I smiled as he cooed to the kitten.

Yeah. I just really really love him.


Short and sweet. Hope to you enjoyed it.


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