Chapter 5 - I'm not like most girls

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I wake up with my annoying phone ringing and I force myself to look up to grab it from the nightstand.

Weird, I don't remember plugging it to the charger, but well, I don't remember a lot, so this is just another one on the list.

''Oh my God, what the hell happened last night?'' Lilly's voice echoes as soon as I pick up and I put it away from my ear.

''Why are you yelling?'' I ask, annoyed.

''Wait, how did you get home? I passed out on Connor's couch and just woke up this morning. Wild!'' She ignores what I said and speaks even louder.

Damn, she was worse than I was. At least I got home safe and didn't pass out on someone's house. My mom would kill me if I did.

I look around to see my things perfectly organized and there's a glass of water, an Advil and a small note next to my phone.

Take this when you wake up, you'll feel better. Bennett.

I frown, trying to remember and it suddenly hits me. Everything that happened last night starts coming back to my mind.

''Bennett.'' I say in a low voice.

''What about him?'' She asks, confused.

''He drove me home.''

''What? How? Was he at the party?'' I consider what to tell her as she already thinks - with no foundation at all - that he could have a crush on me.

If I didn't know better, I might believe that too after last night. Or maybe what I think happened didn't actually happen? Is it possible that I was that drunk?

''No, you know Bennett, he doesn't go to parties, but..." I pause for a second. "He went there to find me. He actually called you, that's how he knew where I was."

"Bennett called me?" At least I'm not the only one who forgot things. "Wait a second."

She stays silent and I assume she's going through her phone to see if there was a call from him.

"Damn, he did call me. How did that happen?"

"Well, he was worried about me after I accidentally called him instead of Dylan.'' I say, the words going out faster than I wanted. 

There's a long silence and I can practically feel the wheels turning inside Lilly's head.

''Hold on. Bennett wasn't at the party and you called him thinking that he was Dylan, so he went there to find you and gave you a ride home?'' I nod, but then I remember she can't see me.

''Yeah, exactly that.''

''Oh shit. We have a lot to talk about. I'm coming over.'' We hung up the phone after agreeing that she'll be here soon and I finally managed to get out of bed.

I take a quick shower to look presentable before I go downstairs to meet my parents, because even though they are cool with me drinking within reasonable limits, I don't think last night could be classified as reasonable.

''Good morning." My dad looks at his watch. ''Actually, good afternoon. Did you have fun last night?'' He looks at me concerned and I wonder what he knows about what happened.

''Yes, the party was nice.''

"Are you feeling better?" Feeling better? Feeling better from what exactly?

"Yeah... I guess." 

You know what? Even if I'm curious as to why he's being so cool about this, I better get out of here before he starts asking questions that I won't know how to answer.

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