Chapter 41 - Too bad it's too late for us

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Bennett's POV

''I was going to ask what you did to Alex, because she just ran away crying, but it looks like you're as messed up as she is.'' I look up to find Anna entering the classroom.

I sigh at my friend and pass my hand through my hair, frustration deep in me.

The moment Alex left, I regretted it. Every single word that came out of my mouth, so I just sat here and felt like shit. So yeah, Anna is right, I am a mess.

''She was crying?'' I ask to confirm, already knowing that she was, because I could barely keep myself under control when I saw the tears.

I wanted to tell her that it wasn't true, pull her close and never let her go. I wanted to tell her that all I want is to kiss her again, like we kissed before.

But I didn't and I hate the fact that I was angry to the point I became irrational with my words.

That's not who I am, and I feel sad.

''What happened?'' She asks and I sigh again. I could lie or keep it from her, but Anna knows everything, so I see no point. Also, I could use someone to talk to right now.

''She thought I was going to Stanford because of her, which is–''

''True.'' She cuts me off. ''Partially at least.''

I look at her for a second, before nodding. I can't say it's not true, at least a little bit. Alex is one of the reasons why I want to go away. In my twisted mind, it's the only way I can completely forget her and move on with my life.

Stanford did offer me a full scholarship and I can do whatever research I want. MIT also offered me a full scholarship, but I have to research their interests. Work on my own research or have someone telling me what to do? The first option is a dream come true to every scientist, so what choice did I have? I couldn't say no to Stanford.

MIT is my dream school, so I considered for a second if accepting Stanford was a good idea, but with the scholarship and going away from Alex as a huge plus, the decision was clear for me.

At least it became clear that night when Dylan told me they are still together. I didn't know for sure until that moment.

However, I never thought making this decision would make me feel so sad and empty.

I'm angry because I finally thought Alex cared about me enough to break up with Dylan, but I was wrong.

The reason I went to talk to her in the classroom was because I knew why I was mad, but I couldn't see a reason why she was pissed at me.

She's mad at me for not telling her I'm going away. What makes me even angrier is that even if she shows she cares about me, she's still with Dylan.

This is why I was so mad, so I told she's not important, but how could I be so stupid? She's the most important person in my life. I don't know why I said otherwise.

''I know how you feel and I don't know what went down between the two of you, but she said that liking you makes no difference, so I thought–'' My eyes dart to her and I cut her off.

''She said what?'' Is it ridiculous that I suddenly feel hope again? I hate these feelings swing I seem to be in. It makes me emotional and I don't like it.

I feel hope, suddenly I don't, then I'm back to being hopeful. Fuck, I hate this so much.

''She likes you, Bennett.'' I hold my breath. ''She's scared that you're going away. I guess it's not about you not telling her, I think she doesn't want you to go.''

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