Chapter 17 - It says Kate

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I have to admit something that terrifies me.

I think I had a moment with Bennett. I mean, I'm not sure, but the way we were looking at each other when we were stargazing can't be considered 'normal'.

It must be the stars that affected me, because there's no way I'd be attracted to Bennett if not in that situation... right?

I mean, he is attractive and all, but it's Bennett we're talking about and we're just friends, so yeah... this creeps me out.

I can't deny that he's not just attractive, but there's also the smart talk. Although he knows he is smarter than most people we know, he doesn't try to show off about it and that makes him even more handsome in my book.

Who doesn't like a guy who can talk about anything and everything, right? Well, even if this guy doesn't really like to talk that much. See, none of this makes sense.

I used to think he was a snob that looks down at the rest of us mortals like he knows everything when we're a bunch of brainless people, but now I know he's the opposite.

Has he always been this nice and I never saw it or maybe he changed as well? I don't know.

Getting back to the point, I confess I was indeed attracted to him and that scares me shitless.

That's why I didn't think about Dylan, that's why I suddenly wanted to hug Bennett and that is why I freaked out.

It's such a weird feeling.

It doesn't mean anything though. I was caught in the moment - it's normal to find people attractive, isn't it? - and now it has passed.

All I wanted to do after this realization was to meet my boyfriend and remind myself why he is perfect for me.

Come on, I'm dating Dylan West, the guy of my dreams, what else could I ask for?

That's why it was almost perfect when we met the day after. We got to hang out, we went for a walk, had ice cream and we met some of his high school friends that were in town for the weekend.

They were surprised to see us together as they know who I am, but they have never seen us even talking or anything, so it was new to them that we were even friends, I guess.

I was nervous at first, because this is different from meeting his college friends. I've imagined myself being friends with these guys for so long and now I'm actually hanging out with them.

However, I got bored with their shallow talk and how they were remembering the glorious high school days as if they graduated forever ago.

I've always wanted to be part of their group - the cool kids - while I'd be Dylan's girl, but now that it's happening, it just bores me out of my mind.

I want to spend time with Dylan and just Dylan.

That's what I'm hoping to do today as Dylan and his family are coming over to have Thanksgiving dinner with us. At this precise moment that I'm thinking about it, I hear my mom opening the door to greet the Wests.

"It's so good to see you, come on in." They walk inside and greet each other, a bunch of food trays in their hands. "Let's put all of this in the kitchen, shall we?"

She leads the way and they go to the kitchen to start preparing everything for dinner, but there's not really much to do. My mom spent the day cooking with my dad. Well, my dad was basically getting in her way and making a mess, but still, he thinks he was helping.

She would tell him to do simple stuff and he would obey like a puppy. It was so cute, to be honest.

As they chat and place the food on the counter, I see Bennett also helping, without saying a word.

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