Chapter 13 - When did this happen?

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I couldn't be happier. Seriously, it's like everything is falling into place.

Dylan and I couldn't be better, we didn't see each other this past week as he's busy with college again, but we are still texting and officially dating him is amazing.

Nothing really changed from what we were doing before, but now that I have the girlfriend label, it just feels great!

Well, things actually changed inside my head, like the way I'm now walking down the school hallways with a loose smile on my face and a sudden increased confidence. People around here would go crazy if they knew I'm dating Dylan. The Dylan. I know some girls from my class also dated him too, but like I said, it's different with me.

He told me I'm not just any girl to him, I'm special.

Lilly freaked out when I told her and made a whole ritual to cross the 'tell Dylan how I feel' item from the bucket list. She's still not Dylan's biggest fan, but I'm glad she's happy for me.

We still haven't told anyone about us being together and it's nice having this as our little secret, like the day he asked me to be official and we had dinner with our families right after. We kept glancing at each other and being flirty.

My parents asked me what was going on with me because it looked like I was more distracted than normal. My dad eyed me suspiciously and I know he suspects there's something to do with Dylan, but I didn't give it away.

Well, our secret relationship is about to change, that's why I'm feeling a bit nervous as I'm getting ready to go out with him.

It's not exactly a date, it's even more nerve-wracking than that. He's going to introduce me to his college friends and for some reason I think this is a pretty big step.

Telling people makes it just too real.

I know it was my option to keep it between us, but I'm ready to tell his friends. His college friends at least. Especially because they don't know Bennett, so what are the chances of him finding out so soon?

Not that this is what I should be worried about...

The fall weather is super chilly, so I decide to go with dark jeans, a blue satin blouse and a nice black jacket. I'm also wearing some cute Chelsea boots.

"You look good." Dylan says as soon as he sees me. He gives me a soft kiss and takes my hand in his. "Are you ready?"

"I'm so ready." He chuckles and leads us to the car.

In less than an hour we are in New York, where he made plans to meet his friends at a bar they usually hang out at.

He never told me he goes to bars in Manhattan. I know he goes to some parties, but a bar is something else, isn't it? Plus, I thought he was taking me to the campus.

We walk inside and I take a second to look around. I'm feeling excited, but afraid at the same time. This is New York and I've never been to a bar like this, so I find everything so scary. I squeeze his hand and he looks back at me with a smirk.

He waves to a group of people who are at a table in the corner of the place and we make our way there.

There are a few guys and a couple of girls, who look like they are way older than me. Dylan greets all of them in a sort of bro hug while I stand there looking like I don't belong here.

Although Millburn is close to Manhattan, I don't come here often, so technically it's true, I don't belong here.

"Guys, this is Alex, my new girlfriend." My heart jumps a little when he says it out-loud and I take a step forward, raising my hand to say hello with a wave.

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