Chapter 12

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Two hours later

"This is probably the most fun I've had in a good while!" Beyoncé said as she snacked on some watermelon.

"Yeah dad we have to do this more often!" Remy said

We ended up getting here earlier than we thought so we've been here for 2 hours and 30 minutes. The girls had decided on matching outfits, and swimsuits.

They looked cute in their lil matching two piece

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They looked cute in their lil matching two piece. Not to sound like a perverted father, but they got too much ass for this outfit. I'm kinda pissed that they have it on. Men been looking at them since they took off there clothes and hopped in the wave pool. Especially Beyoncé though, I was contemplating on sending them a picture since they wanted to keep up with then and post them on social media since I won't do it but her in this would give her father a heart attack.

Chuckling shaking my head, and I watch Remy and Bey go over to the waterslides, and stand in line. Then I witness one thing a father would never want to...a grown ass man coming up to my teenage daughter, and her sister/best friend.

I immediately hopped up ready to tell him off but by the time I got over there he was walking off angry.

"What the hell just happened?!" I asked the girls furious

"Well that man wanted Bey's number." Remy started

"Yea but then I told him that I was way to young to even be talking to him." Bey explained

"And he took it as an insult...then was like I'm only 45..."

"And I was like and I'm only what's your point, and he had the nerve to say we could keep it between us!" She said grosses out

"Then Bey was like I'd rather not!"

"Then he stormed off all mad." Bey finished then went on to add, "Shoot better be lucky I was trying to be respectful...I could've told him off much worse!" She said with an attitude and folding her arms.

"Come on girls let's sit for a minute." I said making sure they walked in front of me just in case the nigga came back wanting to try something.

When I looked back at him he was starring hard with a deep frown on his face.

"Girls Let's Just go somewhere else." I told them and they nodded their heads drying off, and I packed up. They had put on their clothes and we made our way towards the exit when he got in our way.

"Uhm where do y'all think y'all are going?!" He said

"Nigga if you don't get the fuck out of the way!" I yelled angrily Dropping the stuff in the girls hands.

"I'm not letting y'all leave until I get babygirls number!" He said looking at Bey

"Your not getting her fucking number nigga she's 15! Go away!" I yelled at him

"Nah y'all ain't leaving!"

"Get out of the way!" Remy said

"Shit i said im NOT leaving!" He yelled right when I was about to step to him Bey did.

"First off you pussy ass bitch! Don't talk to my sister like that because you will get jumped! Your a fucking pervert, and a whole predator...let's not forget how much of a pedophile you are! Now move the fuck one before we call the cops! Your not getting my number so go home and stop preying on teenage girls and go kill yourself!" She yelled at him. He froze and his face softened "NOW MOVE OUT THE FUCKING WAY!"

Everyone around us was taken back of how she handled the man including Remy, and I. I alone was so shocked to see, and hear her speak like that. She barely says a word to me so I didn't think it was in her vocabulary to talk in such a way. Well you know what they's the quiet ones you gotta look out for. Anyways, I don't think anyone felt sorry for him since he was preying on teenagers. A lot of people had been recoding since  he approached us.

"You heard her..." I mumbled then looked at the dude "move out the fucking way." I said and he slowly moved and we made our way towards the car loading it up, and driving off.

For a while it was an awkward silence in the car. Nobody knew what to say. Everytime I looked at Bey her face was flushed, and she sunk more, and more into her seat. I knew she was embarrassed, and she felt bad for what she said, so I decided to speak up.

"You know you don't have a reason to feel embarrassed, or an ounce bit of sorry." I told her softly

"I mean yea but I didn't have to tell him to kill himself...that was way too far."

"I mean but Bey he was a pedophile."

"That's true but I still didn't have the right...that's for God to handle not me." She said and although she might have been right I wasn't going to say anything because it was going to make her feel worse.

She sighed and looked out the window, then at me.

"I just wish I wouldn't have said the last part."

"I understand what your saying. And maybe you did take it too far...but now that you aren't angry and you understand where you went wrong. Talk to him and make it right." I told her and she smiled at me and nodded her head, and began saying a short prayer. Once she was done she smiled to herself and turned on some
music. After that it wasn't really awkward anymore after that.

After about riding for another 30 minutes Remy spoke up.

"Can we just go home and go to the beach tomorrow?" She asked and Bey agreed

"I have work tomorrow."

"Ok what about Tuesday?" Bey said

"Yea ok that will work." With that we drove home with a chill ride.

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