Chapter 2

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"ELIZABETH, MATTHEW!" our mom yelled from down stairs. Matt and i exchanged glances before walking to her. She used both of our full names, this cant be good!

We walked to were our mom and dad were. Matt was the first to speek "Are we in trouble? Because i didnt do anything yet!"
"Your not in trouble- this time" Our mom responded
"Then, why did you call us in here?" I questioned.
"Your mother and I have to go to Arizona for 2 weeks, your grandmother isnt doing well. We've already talked to everyones parents, and there okay with us leaving" said our dad.
"When are you leaving?" I asked
"In about an hour" replied our mom. We talked for a little while longer, then went up stairs and told the guys. They all wanted to have a party tomorrow night. Sence the conversation had turned into party planning, i went to my room and skyped my friends Kaye, Maria and Skye. They both answered and i told them about the party.

"Hold up, let me ask" i said while walking to Matts room.
"Matt, so your actully having a party, right?"
"Depends, are you gunna tell mom or dad?"
"Depends, can Kaye, Maria, and Skye come?"
"I guess..."

And with that i walked back to my room to share the news. They all desided they would come and stay the night. Marias laptop was about to die, so we all hung up.

Maria and Skye look alot alike. They both have straight brown hair with brown eyes, and light skin. Kaye kinda looked like me, she had straight blonde hair a little shorter then mine, with green eyes. They were all about 5 5 or 5 4, and they were all pretty thin.

I desided to read, i had started reading the last hunger games book, and was very into it. As i was reading, Matt came into my room. "Hey, wanna go get pizza with me and the guys? It'll be fun."
"Uhh, i guess, give me like 5 minutes to get ready."
Matt said okay and left my room. I put on tights and blue kinda tight sweatshirt. I brushed my hair and met Matt and the guys down stairs.

We got in my Moms van with Cameron driving, and Matt and Nash next to him. In the 2nd row was the Jacks and Shawn. And in the 3rd row was me, Hayes, Carter, and Taylor. Once we got to the Pizza place, fans started ariving like crazy. The owners of the Place refused to let the fans in so we could eat it peace. When we were done eating, we realized we had a issue. We couldnt get back to the car without being attacked by the mob of fans... Luckly i was there, because i had a wonderful idea, we have the owner of the pizza place bring the car around to the back. Once we were in, we headed home. Bye the time i got there, it was 10:45pm, so i went to bed.

*Next Day*

I woke up at 10am and started geting ready for the party. I cleaned up my room, the bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, and living room. After that i took a shower and put on a black strapless dress that stoped at mid thigh and flattered my figure very well.

At about 8pm, the guests started to arive, Kaye, Skye, and Maria were the first to come.
"Ayee Boo Thang!" Kaye said walking up to me, hugging me. Kaye was the oldest of us, she was 16, Maria and Skyee were 15, like me.

We got 2 beers each and walked to my room and climed onto the roof. We talked for like 15 minutes, when we heard my bedroom door open. "There probably on the roof." I heard Hayes say. I looked through my window to see Hayes and Taylor standing in my room. "THERE YOU ARE LIL MAMA!" Taylor yelled to me, climbing onto the roof.
"Little Mama?" I questioned, laughing.
"Well duh" Tay responded.
"So... do you need somthing? Or..."
"WELL DAMN I JUST WANTED TO KNOW WHERE MAH LIL MAMA WAS!" Tay yelled, sounding offended.
"Tay, your drunk." i said, laughing
"Lets go get a DRINKKKK!" Tay said to me and the girls.

I ran down the stairs, a tempting to race them. Even tho they went the other way down... trying to avoid all of the drunk and high teens, i made my way down. Once i got to the bottom of the stairs, i felt somone grab my waist, and push me against the wall. I looked to see my ex, Sam Pottorff.
"Sam get of me!" I screamed.
"Shut the fuck up you slut and kiss me." Sam slurred. I tried to get away from his grip, but he was to strong.

Sam forced his lips against mine. I opened my eyes to see Sam being pulled away by Matt.

"Chill man, i was just tryin to get lucky, Liz never puts out, so i tried to make her. No big deal"
"So what? Who cares if the little slut gets some?"
And with that Matt hit Sam. Sam fell to the flore, holding his face. Nash came and held Matt back as Shawn pulled Sam out of the house.

I walked up to Matt and rapped my arms around his neck. "Thanks, Matt. I love you big brother." I wispered into his ear.
"Any time. I love you more little sister." Matt replied. I let go of him and walked him to the restroom to clean his fist, after thanking Nash and Shawn. I got him to the sink and rinsed his hand off. After we were done, i went to my room to try and sleep, sense my head hurt and i could already feel the alcohol.

I heard a knock on the door and Hayes walked in. "I heard what happend. Im going to kill Sam." I smiled at his comment and sat up. "Wanna lay down? My beds more comfy then your cot." I said
"Even if it wasnt, i would still want to cuddle." Hayes replied, crawling into bed with me. I laid my head and fell asleep in Hayes's arms.

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