Chapter 24

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Song for the chapter: Assurance by Davido.

"Love is sweet oh
When money enter, love is sweeter."


I had offered to pick up Munachi from her house but she declined my offer. Maybe it would have been better if I had not ordered that the whole place be reserved for us. Now I was seated alone on the rooftop of the almighty Ekó Hotel waiting on her arrival.

"Mide I'm beginning to get worried oh." Chef Tina frowned and I scoffed.

"Can I have some of your best wine please." I laughed.

"Mide are you sure this your date is coming?"  Chef Tina, my favorite chef asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I can't imagine her missing your delicacies so let's just say I'm hoping she doesn't bail on me." Like the heavens were finally smiling down at me, I saw her walk towards our direction, her eyes opened in awe. "Oh there she is." I got up from my seat and walked towards her, my gaze holding hers. I pulled out a seat for her and watched her settle in.

"You like it?" I asked knowing of course that she would love it.

"This is so beautiful!"

"Munachimso Obiora." Chef Tina laughed.

"How come you know her." I rolled my eyes.

"She used to take cooking lessons from me when she was in the university."

"And she's my sister's best-friend. Hi T!" Munachi smiled and I found myself falling a little too deep.

"Mide here has been waiting for you so I'm not going to lurk around here any longer."

"Sorry i kept you waiting. You know how crazy Lagos traffic can be" She pouted.

"It's fine. It was worth it." I whispered the last part but it seemed Tina saw me because she winked.

"You guys have a good time." Tina said before walking away.

"You look beautiful." I willed myself to say more but I couldn't describe how I felt.

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself." She laughed and I winked.

"Have to keep up this Yoruba demon reputation you know. It can be so tiring."

She chuckled. "Tell me about it."

I took a sip of my wine as the waiter came in with the menu and I placed our orders.

I almost laughed when I remembered Emeka's gentlemen rules where he had stated that a gentleman always places the orders.

"Quite a gentleman I see." She licked her lips and if I didn't know any better I would say she was flirting with me.

"Thank you." We both said to the waiter as he placed our orders before us.

"If I knew you were close to Tina maybe I'd have asked her what your favorite meal was and that would have earned me a bonus point."

"I don't even have a favorite when it comes to Her. Anything she cooks goes for me." She closed her eyes as she chewed on her Buffalo wings. "This is so good. Sorry I got lost for a moment."

We laughed.

"Enough about Tina. How was your day?"

"Same old. A certain someone dropped flowers by my office."

"You don't say." I said in mock disbelief. "Did you like them?"

"I never say no to flowers." She locked her gaze with mine and I smiled.

"Have I told you how absolutely stunning you look tonight?"

She giggled. "Yeah..about uhm a hundred times." She raised her wine glass. "But keep it coming."

I stared at her longingly and she noticed me staring because she burst out laughing.

"You really have to stop staring at me like that." She flipped her hair.

"I really can't."

"So when you're not being a tease what do you like to do?"

"I like to chill my guys, travel, play games, and just work until I drop."

"I love to travel too!"

"Where would you like to go to."

"Korea, Morocco, Tanzania.." she passed and pointed her fingers at me.

"With the way you're staring at me I know you've already been to those places."

"Yes." I laughed. "But I haven't been to Korea, just China."

"That's cool."

The waiter came in with our deserts and she sighed and plastered her signature teasing smile on her face.

"Wow I cannot believe you shut down the whole place just for this."

"I'd do anything to make it remarkable." She bobbed her head in agreement as she dug into her chocolate cake and that was when I decided to ask her the most important question. "Did I do something wrong the last time we hung out?"

She dropped her fork and cleaned her mouth with a napkin. "Mide.."

"I thought your were comfortable."

"I felt like things were happening a bit too fast and I couldn't deal with it."

"You'd have told me. Look, Muna you can tell me anything. Is there something wrong?"

She stared at me and I rose my brows. "Talk to me."

"I just got a bit scared."

"I'm sorry I made you feel that way." I licked my lips and she nodded.

"It's not you. It's just my stupid thoughts."

"Feel free to tell me anything." I shook my fingers at her playfully. "And don't ignore me like that again."

She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "I'm here for a start."

"I thought you were even going to bail on me."

"I'm not that wicked Mide!" She laughed.

"Igbo girls? Fear them!"

"Coming from a confirmed Yoruba demon. Please hold your peace." She laughed.

"I'm glad we got to do this Muna. I'm not trying to rush you or anything but I really do like you and I Promise to be as patient as you would want me to be."

"I think I like you too." She smiled and I let out a sigh of relief and pretended to fan myself. "Stop being such a clown mide! We're on the rooftop, there's no way you can be hot."

"She said she likes me." I walked to the waiter on standby and he smiled. Munachi covered her face with her hands and I tried to pry them off but she wouldn't budge. "Oh now she's shy!"

She hit my hand playfully and I smiled.

"Maybe the best thing to do is to order for fireworks." I bit my lip.

"You wouldn't dare." She laughed and I bent down to reach her face.

"Try me." I locked my lips with hers and just then the fireworks erupted in the sky.


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