Prologue: the begining of changes

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1st November, 2034

Two colored country in dark blue suit and eyepatch with eagle on it put flowers on grey, cold stone. As tradition said, they were in colors of white and red, colors of country lying here. Third Commonwealth of Poland.

His mother.

It had been nearly a decade since he replaced her. And each year of this decade, he came to her grave in order to put new flowers on it. For her.
He'd like to stay longer, and recall one of his memories from the time he was but a young boy, but his responsibilities called.
After a short pray, he left the graveyard, got into his car, started the engine and drove out. After three hours, he got to the airport, and after a long flight the white-red country finally got to Brussels. Short ride later, je was standing in front of a large building. Poland looked at the sign on the doors. EU parliament. In this place, older foreign nations were always debating over what to do with him. Every decision he made, every law he passed was discussed by them, resulting in new laws and pronouncements. All talk and no do, these people made words like tolerance and ecology have negative tone in his ears despite him officialy promothing them in public. Maybe he and them meant diffirent things when saying these words. But that wasn't important, not anymore. Today he'll make a step in direction there's no coming back from.

He entered the building and went to the country meeting room, where everyone waited.
- You're finally here, Poland - said well aged woman with a vertical, blue-white-red flag.
- I'm glad to see you too, France - he replied. -Thanks for waiting for me with it - he said ironically. Of course they waited, he was the whole point of this special meeting.
- I advise you to be serious - A black-red-yellow male country on France's left said. - This meeting will decide about your fate - he added.
- Let's just get over with it - Poland said.
Germany started reading document he had on his table out loud, with the tone of a judge.
- Kingdom of Poland, you're accused of holding financial help for unemployed and homeless, terrorising opposition of current government and deprivation people from their right to vote, and thus, infringement of human rights, specifically right to democracy. You're also accused of supplying war effort of Lithuania, who attacked Latvia without any justification. You did all that despite the European Union directly telling you to do otherwise. What do you have on your defence? -
- My people voted for me to become a monarchy, sir. It's also not true that I have taken their right to vote, as both the Sejm and the Senate are still elected and do hold certain degree of power. Furthermore, my effort in the recent war was exaggerated by the media. - Poland responded.
- But besides that, it's all true and I can't defend my actions - he finished.
- Then in the name of peace, justice and democracy, you're expelled from the European Union. You may leave now. -
This would look like a failure. He was alone now, without any support of western Europe. But while he was opening the door, something amazing happened.


Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria stood up and left with him... But no one was suprised. Those four were part of the Visegrad group, and just showed which side they chose. Thanks to Poland's preparations for inevitable ejection from the Union the european continent just got splitted between socialdemocratic west and east embracing free market. Ironic.
On the corridor, five countries started laughing.
-We did it. We left the EU - Hungary said, smiling.
-Poland, I never thought that would work - he added.
Austria replied to him:
-Well, ve vill find out if this ist working or not. -
-Stanging up for ourselves worked for now. - Czechia noted.
-But honestly, I expected some hilarious faces, and there were none! - Said Slovakia.
-Guys, I don't wanna end your fun, but we're already outside and I still have some work to do, so it's time for us to go to our homes. We can drink over it tomorrow - the Polish monarchy interrupted. He really needed some rest by now, last week was full of sitting over the beaurocratic mess of documents to be fully read before being signed.
After saying their goodbyes, the group of self-proclaimed free countries split up and went their ways to their houses.

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