Chapter 9: Balkan warfare

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1st November, 2042

As enemy was getting closer, Cz-H aimed and ordered to his troops to do the same. He didn't however gave the order to shoot. Why waste bullets on armored vehicles with gun that struggles to pierce infantry body armor? Few soldiers that had anti-armor equipment were ready to use it as soon as range allowed for it to be effective.
And then they just waited for enemy to come.


Artillery shells exploded in a distance, somewhere where no attack was staged at the moment.
And enemy here was getting closer.
But they still waited.


Tanks opened fire from all their cannons and machine guns, forcing them to hide deeper in the trench.
All they shoot back was couple of rockets that most of was shot down while trying to get high enough to hit their targets from proper angle.
Two rockets had hit the enemy. Only one did it properly and disabled one of side turrets of a heavy tank.


Finally, the enemy arrived, stopping while being right above the trench.
Some transpotrs went further to deploy infantry behind them, some started the deployment already.
But true horror was tanks opening rapid fire while being in a place that no cover could be found.
If Czechoslovakia-Hungary hadn't seen that before, he would panic. But not this time.
He took a grenade and threw it at the huge piece of war machinery, taking out side tower and damaging armor, then took his rifle, shot few times at wheels that made the trucks move and quickly turned to aim at incoming foot soldiers of the enemy.
He aimed at face of nearest opponent, pulled the trigger and moved onto next target. While doing that he felt blunt pain in his chest - someone shot first.
Good thing was that he haven't felt blood pouring out, which meant that kevlar hold it out, even if his ribs propably couldn't withstand kinetic power and broke.
But it didn't matter - it saved his life.
Country of red, blue, white and green quickly turned to side he felt pain from, only to see his failed killer being hit by his soldier with his gun's stock.
His saviour haven't survived long, as enemy opened fire from behind.
Now they were surrounded, trench proved to be useful again, providing cover and forcing enemy to get closer - close enough for close combat, and that was where his military had chance to shine.
As his country didn't have the manpower, industry or technology to match it's neighbors, soldiers were put through very harsh training, harder even than the one used in FFN. That of course meant soldiers to have both tactical and strategic advantage over the ones kf his enemy - they aimed faster and more precisely, got exhausted slower and regained strength to fight faster, but also were more immune to pain and stress, so long campaigns weren't much of a problem. But all these things were more visible during hand-to-hand combat. Additionally, standard melee weapon of Turks were bayonets and fabric rodes, while basically everyone in eastern Europe was using matchets and compact sabers.
He pulled out his own blade and attacked the nearest enemy. When his opponent raised his gun to block the attack he quickly kicked him in his stomach and finished him by stabbing him in brain through his eye. When someone punched him in his back he undercutted him and closed his saber to the man's throat, only to see that he was wearing uniform with Czech markings and all of that was misunderstanding. He got up and helped the soldier do the same. When bullet missed them both by millimeters, Countryhuman pulled out his handgun and fired several times at enemy, making him fall on ground, bleeding. Moments later he heard somebody trying to take him out from behind. He made one fast slash and cut the would-be suprise killer's left cheek. Turkish soldier screamed in pain while Cz-H punched him, knocking him over in process. When looking around for next enemy, he saw one of his troops loose fight against two enemies. Not thinking much, he shot them in their backs, making an opening for his soldier, allowing him to stab one of them and have fair fight with other one.
Coutry personification was about to help him, until he heard main turret of a tank rotating. When he looked at it, he saw worst thing that could be there.
The tank was less that twenty meters away and was aiming right at him.
He leapt left and tried to jump out the trench before enemy machine fires or acknowledges the miss. But of course, that was impossible. When he jumped, explosion boomed right behind him, turning his ankle in unnatural angle.
He fell to the ground, knowing his desperate plan failed. In last effort, he took his handgun and fired what was left in magazine into tank's barrel, hoping that it would be using explosive anti armor shells. But with no effect. He looked at the dark, ampty inside of the barrel that will kill him soon. Was that it? If he dies, will of his soldiers to continue fighting will be shattered. No, this can't be it! If he gives up now, he will fail not inly his people, but everyone in Europe! He was the one guarding the less fortified border of all conservative nations! But... What can he do? He's hurt, and doesn't have anything that could challenge this metal beast.
First tears started to pour down his face, knowing that it's over.

And then, the tank exploded.
Czechoslovakia-Hungary blinked, suprised. What? How?
Then he saw enemy forces running in fear and officers yelling something he could not understand.
But, they had superior numbers and armored support! Why were they retreating?
And, what kurva blew up this tank?
He pulled himself up and looked.
His own tanks! That made sense! Always when attack was launched his armored forces would prepare a counter attack!
He was saved!
Relaxed country fell to the ground.
-Oh man, I need a drink - he managed to say, before passing out.

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