Chapter 17: War in the west

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5th January, 2044

It was late. The sun had already set, leaving nothing but stars to illuminate battlefields scattered across Europe. Here, in northern France, it was snowing lightly, filling areas yet untouched by war with natural beauty. Caen was one if such places. Yet untouched by war. Yet.
The column of armored vehicles of various designations moved slowly through rather small, covered by a thin layer of snow road. They were moving slowly, barely faster than a man walking. Their engines making little sound and smoke, their movement exposing dark grass as the snow sticked itself to trucks and wheels.
Inside of one of the tanks eastern France sat, nervously looking at the map displayed on the screen before her. Blue squares and triangles, symbolizing the sneaking army, were slowly approaching a red line of fascist defences. In the bottom right corner, small timer was ticking to show for how further they could sneak before being detected. It was this little number the kingdom was paying so much attention to. As it got smaller, she repeated the entire plan in her head.
Sneak up as close as possible with the vehicles, then send the signal. After receiving it, nearby carrier will dispatch fighters to destroy key roads and buildings. Before they leave, we come in and storm the defenders while they're focused on the air attack. Since they're running low on anti tank ammunition and fuel, we can spearhead all the way to the city. After it gets captured, we stop for a day to regroup and then push further.
Seemed like a good plan. The only way they'd not shatter these defences along side the westerners' morale was that Brittany was lying from the very begging, but that wasn't very likely as it would cost him his life, France thought looking at the timer. After waiting for the perfect moment, she gave an order.
- Stop! - one word was enough. The tanks at the front stopped almost immediately while other vehicles behind started to drive around to create a proper battle formation. The white-golden country gave the screen one more look. 0.03 meters to the detection zone. She released the air she didn't realize she was holding in earlier. Had she waited half a second longer, the entire operation would have to be cancelled and no progress would be made. She should be more careful in the future.
- Send the signal - she told the tanker next to her. With a ping sound, a message was sent, it's meaning simple: "frog". One word, if it was intercepted it would only bring confusion. After it was sent, France turned to the periscope. Using it, she watched the troops they will be fighting with soon. It didn't took long for the local radar group to notice incoming planes and their officer to raise the alarm. Men ran into various buildings and trenches, trying to avoid incoming bombardment, and the local anti-air prepared to fend off upcoming attack. Now was the best moment to strike.
- Move to engage - she told the driver and radio operator, holding her nerves. The man with headphones repeated the command to the rest of the group and they all moved, speeding up towards the enemy line.
It didn't take long for them to get noticed, but before the fascist soldiers could react the planes came, releasing their rockets. The bombardment, despite both missile and bullet based anti-air presence was stunningly successful and before the smoke of explosions have fallen, the jets were gone.
Seeing this success, France decided to overwhelm the defenders while they were still unorganized.
- Fire on the trenches, but do not stop to clean them up. After we pass, tell the artillery to shell them so they don't attack us from behind - she told the communications operator. He nodded and turned to his devices to prepare the message. Without stopping, charging tanks and infantry support vehicles opened fire to the first line of defense with cannons and heavy machine guns. The return fire was scarse; Brittany must have been telling the truth.
That or it's a trap and they are just luring us further, eastern France thought. She decided to stay alerted. Their tank shaked noticeably, showing that they crossed the weakly defended trench. As they were getting closer to the actual city, the white-golden countryhuman turned to the man behind the radio once again.
- Contact the carrier and tell them we're entering the city. Next attacks must be more careful to avoid friendly fire - she told him before looking through the periscope.
- Anti tank gun on 2 o'clock! - hearing this, the gunner rotated the turret, aimed and pulled the trigger. The tracked machine fired without stopping, directly hitting the target and destroying it along with it's crew. Another cannon fired at them, but their reactive armor was much better protection against such rounds than anything an undersupplied unit could have at their disposal. The self propelled cannons started to drive backwards, knowing their fixed superstructures would cause a lot of problem if the attackers got too close, but ultimately the monarchist forces catched up. They drove past them and rotated the turrets. At this range and firing at the back of the vehicle, heavy mgs and small automatic cannons mounted on top of the main guns were more than enough. Seeing how well the attack goes, France smiled rakishly. While hating any unaddressed problems, she just loved to see her plans go smoothly and efficiently.
As they approached the city, some scarce anti tank rockets were fired, but failed to disable any tank. Following fire exchange was one sided; regular rifles weren't made with frontal tank armor in mind, and concrete buildings the defenders were hiding in were demolished by cannons. Some of the explosion noises came from behind, meaning the artillery kept the forces they rushed earlier in check. Now came the hardest part: urban combat. All vehicles slowed down, infantry was finally deployed. They advanced cautiously through the streets, leaving no building unchecked. Everything was empty, civilians must've had left when the airstrike begun.
As the silent march continued, France felt more and more uneasy. Usually being in a tank meant a lot of protection, but in an ambush-friendly environment like cities these were the primary targets.
- Comms, how much until we reach city center? - she asked.
- We'll see it after this turn on the road - man answered, not taking his eyes off the map that was currently displayed on one of his screens.
- Gunner, be on guard - at this point the anticipation caused first droplets of sweat to appear at her forehead. Everything was quiet, but her subconsciousness was screaming at her that she was surrounded by danger, despite all the evidence of safety.
When they started to turn left, the white-golden country watched through the periscope as the road showed itself, ready to see some sort of powerful force ready to stop them. What she saw instead was... A small barricade. It surely couldn't stop a tank, and infantry could climb over it. Furthermore, it was empty, there was nobody there. Just one piece of towed artillery, not even manned, pointing it's dark barrel at the street. France ordered to approach cautiously in case it was mined.
But when they got closer, the cannon somehow fired itself without anyone pulling the trigger. The countryhuman almost fell of her seat from the sudden shockwave. The fire alarm went off, so the engine must've been hit, and all the screens went black, meaning that the electronics got fried aswell. Smoke was coming from the front.
Almost immediately after that shots were heard from the outside. France unlocked the safety belts, took her SMG from the side of her seat and headed for the exit hatch. Once she opened it and took a peak out, bullets ricocheted around her and she ducked back into the broken machine. Moment later the white-golden country rised up again, this time ready to return fire. The hatch was behind the turret, so whoever shot at her must've been doing it from the buildings. Noticing the man aiming at them from above, France fired a short series at him, making him duck below the window he was shooting from. Holding the submachine gun in one hand, she cravled out and jumped off the tank, crouching to get cover from behind.
- Stupid Allemange and his frontline leader mentality. I knew I should have stayed behind and coordinate the attack from safety - France groaned to herself while recalibrating her wristcomms to the carrier's bridge.
- This is Lilly 1! We've been pinned down, we require arieal support! - she said. The response wasn't what she wanted.
- It's impossible at the moment. All aircraft available here are fighting off the fascist airforce south to you - this made her curse before emptying the rest of her magazine on one of the top shooters. The man dropped his rifle through the window and fell. Mag on her gun was automatically released and she wasted no time putting in a new one. One reload left, she would have to be more sparse with bullets. What else can she use to get out of here? Artillery. There was a risk the buildings would collapse on them, but she didn't have better idea at the moment. As she connected to artillery command, a grenade went off at the other side of the tank she was hiding behind, shaking the wreck and propably killing people on the other side. She finally got in touch with the support commander.
- This is Lilly 1! We are being ambushed, precision strike is required! - this was the last thing she could think of. If they refused for any reason, the attack would stop in the middle of the city. Her radio clicked, and spoke with the voice of support commander.
- Lilly 1, we hear you. You're on the road east to the city centre, correct? -
- Yes! - that was all she could say before another fascist soldier targeted her. Pressing her back again the wreckage, French monarchy held the submachine gun in both hands and fired two series. The man fell letting her talk again.
- Hurry up! -
- We're aiming already. The strike will come soon - well this was relieving. It was good to have a plan for everything. France got up, waved her hand and yelled
- Precision strike incoming! Take cover! - she started to crawl back into the tank without waiting. An eerily whistle came through the air, heralding the impending doom. At this point both sides realized what's going on and everyone was looking for a place to hide safely from falling shells. The Kingdom has finally got inside the wreck and ducked away from the entrance hatch. The whistle got louder and louder, until it was cut off by two explosions that made France thankful for partially soundproof helmets. She peaked out of the hatch for the third time in the same battle. Roofs of both tenements were completely destroyed, all windows shattered, glass and dust lying on the ground and mixing with whatever snow was there. All of this was illuminated by the white light full moon from above and red one from burning buildings.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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