Chapter 10: Our Sea

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3rd November, 2042

Somewhere in the Ionian sea

Italy looked through window of aircraft carrier he was inside of, seeing helicopter flying close by, with some people exiting onto the ship. No one was concerned about it. Not carrier crew, nor the ships protecing the swimming airfield. He also wasn't.
These people were Second German Empire and his guards.
He probably came here to give him orders again, something that Italy didn't exactly liked. He already missed peace, when things weren't as rigid as they were now. But war wasn't something that would just go away when you want it to, it will only go away if you make it do so. And here he was, doing what he was supposed to do - keeping Turkey away from dominating the front by forcing him to split his industrial and technological capabilities to land and sea. Yes, his army was filling the gaps Hungary couldn't, but the real fun was on the seas.
Italian peninsula was perfect ship deployment zone, basically cuting the Mediterranean in half and allowing ships to start their service at nearly southern coast, as Malta was ready to give access to their docs as long as they were guaranteed to be left alone. That meant his fleet was in positions before the Turkish one, giving him chance to damage almost all shipyards along the whole coast. He didn't let this chance go to waste, and now they were fighting as equals.
Yeah, about now...
Germany entered the bridge.
- Hey Germany, aren't you helping France? - Italy greeted him.
- She's doing well, and I have something important to tell you - taller man responded.
- What is it? -
- Well, you know about operation weiße welle? -
- That plan to take Istanbul? Well, yes, but I thought that we'd be doing that later, when Turkey is more exausted -
- Yes, we will do it later, but some complications arose -
- I'm already afraid - Italy said sarcastically.
- No time for jokes. This is very important - Germany responded, little annoyed.
- Jeez, just say what it is -
- Giant underwater complex below the city -
Italy widened his eyes.
- What? What is it for? - he asked.
- Hard to tell. It could be research facility, hidden submarine factory, or, most likely, some sort of advanced fortifications. Either way, it must be destroyed before we go on with the plan -
- You want me to do it, right? - country with vertical flag asked.
- Yes - the one with horizontal one confirmed.
- But wasn't this whole operation supposed to take place in the Black Sea? How am I gonna be useful if I'm here? And if it would be destroyed now, couldn't they repair it in time? - Kingdom continued questioning his assignment -
- First, this structure appears to cover both sides of city's coast. If you get in from one side, you propably are capable of moving to other section. Second, it would take time to plan this whole operation, that's why I'm telling you about it now. Third, I'd advise you to not just destroy it, but rather disable in the way that they wouldn't notice - Reich explained.
- Ok, I can do that. Anything else? - Italy asked.
- Greece is coming with you, this mission is to big for just one country -
Italy was a bit suprised. Greece was a very defensive type, both in direct combat and implied tactics. A sabotage mission wasn't something she was suited for, but what could he say? His voice in the alliance didn't matter and if Germany wanted something he always could get it from him. Finally, he replied.
- Yeah, if you say so. I assume you've already sent scans of this structure to this ship's computer, right? - Empire nodded in response for this question.
- Alright, then go do your own things, ok? I don't like people staring at me while I'm thinking - Italy tried to end the talk. Germany opened his mouth to say something, but the ship's sirens howled, signalising approaching enemy. Over the sirens a female voice could be heard.
- Attention to all ships, enemy fleet managed to slide through sonars! Everyone to battle positions, we'll be in their optimal range in 30 minutes! -
Hearing this, Italy almost immediately turned to the man operating one of ship's radios.
- Contact us with detection ship! I need details about their force! - he ordered.
- Yes sir! - the response came.
Few seconds later connection was safe from any type of wiretap.
Italy didn't waste time
- Captain, I need to know all the details about that upcoming fleet! - he ordered.
- Sir, it's impossible to tell what kind of ships are they - the same female voice as before responded.
- What? - Italy was confused. Modern detecting technology was far beyond masking devices. If they could find the fleet, they could tell the exact amount and type of vessels in it. So how could it be?
- That's right sir, i can detect a sizeable mass of steel closing in, but sonars' vision is too blurry to know anything beyond that they're there, and the hight of theirs position doesn't allow us to not deduct if they're submarines or not - this was worrying. He needed to do something quickly. But what...? He thought about possible holes in that plan of the enemy. The ships couldn't be detected by a sonar... And their hight was enough to say that it could be a surface fleet, but also low enough to not exclude the chance that these are submarines. It could also be both. Sending out a reconnaissance team would be a death sentence for them if they had to be close enough for the visual contact...
- What about the air radar? Can it see it properly? - he though out loud.
- Negative sir, the waves disrupt everything as usual -
- And the satelite images? - Italy was getting nervous.
- They're moving to quickly to make sharp photo -
- Can you at least tell me how far are they? -
-We'll enter their estimated range in 20 minutes - the answer came.
Kingdom peninsula was panicking by now. He had to do something, and do it quick before fleet gets destroyed.
- Looks like we'll have to shoot on guess - Germany said, reminding about his presence.
Italy looked at him irritated.
- You may be the biggest power on the continent and have higher place in this alliance, but this is my fleet and my ships manned by my people. I'm the one that makes decisions here -
he looked at the partially clouded sky, and then turned to the radio
- Deploy all planes! Squadrons 1, 2, 4, 7 and 8 have to directly support the fleet while 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are ordered to position above the clouds! All ships, formation number 3! -
The ships started to move, larger battleships and heavy cruisers positioning themselves to form a scale-like wall to protect short range and anti submarine ships.
- Squadron 1, do you have a visual with the enemy? - Italy had a plan. They can block their sonars, but hiding from physical viev is much harder. Soon, the response came from squadron leader.
- Affirmative, I see them. Sending camera view right now - on nearby screen a photo was displayed, showing large group of ships already in position. The radio spoke once more.
-Precise coordinetes are on their wa - Transmission suddenly stopped, replaced by radio silence.
-Sir! - one of the men manning the bridge shouted.
-We lost signal from all fighters that are in the first group except 1-3, 1-9, 2-6 and 7-3, which were forced to engage! -
- Did the coordinates came? - Italy asked.
- They're incomplete! We can't aim! -
- 1-3 and 2-6 are down! - chaos started to grow in the bridge.
- 1-9 and 7-3 shot down! - this was when bombardment started. Their, no - Italy thought - his ships started to take on first hits. Situatuon was desperate. They could be all slaughtered without even touching the enemy! Retreat...? No. If he chooses escape now, Turkey will gain control over the Mediterranean. He had to find out what's with their ships as soon and possible, and that was probably an occasion to forge iron when it's still hot.
- Formation 7! Get as close to them quickly! -
- What? - man behind the console was confused. 7 was an offensive formation used to overwhelm enemy quickly, not to minimize damage!
- You've heard me! We charge at the full speed! With ALL available forces! NOW!! - he raised his voice to make sure they won't disobey. There was no time for incompetence.

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