Chapter 2: the Alliance

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8th May 2036

Two blades clashed. And then again. And again and again. Two duelists were countries' personifications. One had flag of white and red, with red eyepatch on right eye and wings. He weared a white T-shirt and dark blue jeans and his weapon was simple saber without any ornaments.
His enemy had same clothes, however his flag had black on top and he was using a rapier. Both of them were covered in sweat. At while it looked as black-white-red figure made an opening in his defence. But seconds later saber was lying on ground, and duelist with rapier touched fast, but lightly his opponent with flat part of his weapon.
- 16/14 for Germany. He wins.- announced the third person, with flag of red, white and green,and sort of arms on white part.
- So I am no longer the best fighter in team? - guessed deafeted country.
-That's correct. Now that title belongs to me. - winner replied.
- Guys - Hungary interrupted looking at his phone. - I know you have fun vexing each other, but there is gonna be a storm here in a while - the older country stopped his younger colleagues before they started.

As he was walking towards his home, Germany started to think about past two years. He convinced his father to go on a long vacation, and leave state to him. But before he returned, there was no democratic Germany. "Poor old man", Germany thought. "The stress of seing me restoring monarchy costed him a life. Such a pity that I couldn't explain to him why." Now his official full name was Fourth German Reich, or Second Empire. And despite being called fascist million times and several sanctions from USA and his allies he kept position of one of the richest countries in the world. With a bit of Poland's help he created a defensive pact of other restored monarchies, like Hungary and recently Italy.
With these thoughts, he entered his residency and got to work. He still had a lot to do, starting with Austria.

After Poland closed doors to his own house, he took off the eyepatch and looked at it, with right eye still closed. Before, he wore one with an eagle, his own coat of arms. But now, the eyepatch had something different on it. A picture of knight on a horse. Pursuit. Lithuanian Pursuit. He smiled. First step to make a multicultural empire was made. His name was no longer just "Poland". Now, he is Kingdom of Both Nations, something, that will take concepts of Commonwealth, and use it without repeating it's mistakes. But the way to it's full glory was still long.

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