It Started With Two

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          The day was normal, nothing really special about it. I had a day off today from work and my siblings were on their flight towards some "very important business" somewhere else. That means I have the house all to myself, so I can smoke in peace finally. The most I did around the house was make some food, clean, and watch some old horror movies. It was stopped from a facetime request from said brother and sister, Mila and Lucas, that was odd. Answering it lead to hearing some cries in fear and people speaking in Arabic. The first thing I saw was the both of them in tears and trying to keep quiet, Lucas mouthed the words 'Hijacking' to me. Every emotion hit me at once, letting some tears frame my face as I was left speechless. Listening to the background, I heard a latch undo itself, leading to a bunch of screaming that included the guys that hijacked the plane. What the hell was happening?

      "Homelander and Queen Maeve are here! We're saved!" Mila smiled big with tears. I exhaled my unknown held breath. They were safe, they aren't going to die after all. My ears caught Queen Maeve call out to Homelander worryingly, which made me worry a tiny bit. Mila switched the camera to see both of the heroes breaking into the cockpit. My heart started to speed up in anxiety just a bit, making me subconsciously record the rest of the call. A gun was cocked and I heard Homelander's voice trying to assure the last terrorist left trying to kill the pilot. A shot was fired and Homelander used his laser eyes to split the guy in half...but he also destroyed the plane controls in the process. Lights flickered and alerts signaled, should I...should I call someone? I didn't know what to do, "Are you guys okay?" "Yeah, we're fine. There's...a lot of turbulence at the moment, but we're fine," Lucas smiled at me. I nodded as I heard Homelander go by and...lie to them? The plane hit a bump, making someone behind them fly out of their seat while Homelander just smiled. He was lying to my siblings about a life threatening situation. 

      "No, I'm just seeing something down the back," Homelander said as he was walking down the aisle towards the back exit. Lucas turned the camera back around, "Oh my god, he's leaving us. Mila!" "Please don't leave us!" She tried to scream to him. My heart was going too fast, knocking me off my feet to make me sit by the kitchen counter. Isn't he suppose to be a hero?! The noise got louder with people freaking out and my siblings starting to cry. I wanna do something, I wanna save them! What can I do to help them?! Mila turned the camera around once more to show Homelander and Maeve walking to the exit. I started yelling out even though I knew they couldn't hear me, "No, no, no! You can't leave them!!" People starting flocking towards them, and Homelander threatened them with death to stay back. He couldn't even save a girl and her mother because they had the chance to "tell the whole world we left them to fucking die." 

        The camera turned one last time to the both of them, crying and smiling towards me. "We love you Myra! Take care of yourself! We love you!" They yelled and cried. My face was covered in tears as the call cut out, breathing heavily and coughing as I cried out. It was like my heart died, my chest burned in anger and my eyes burned in sadness. My body didn't wanna move from the floor, crying and screaming out their names like they could hear me now. After about 20 to 30 minutes of crying, I felt numb. They were dead, and the people who vowed to protect us killed them. They aren't fucking heroes, and I bet they aren't going to get in trouble for this shit either. I won't let that happen, not in the name of my sister and brother. It was a good thing I was recording all that.

     At the nearest train station, people grouped up near a TV broadcasting the news about flight 37 aka their grave. There he was round the pillar slowly to watch as well, Billy Butcher. He glanced over at me wearing my hood over my face that was also bearing a black mask to cover most of it, raising an eyebrow and keeping that gaze on me. Why was I there? A little access to the cameras around the town gave me a chance to eavesdrop on the place they were going. Apparently they're chasing down some girl they found in a basement...whatever's going on there. I looked over to him and sent his number I totally didn't hack into to see a text that said "We have an understanding." He finally got the text, looking down confused for a minute. Something else took his attention as he walked away. That's all I needed to plant the seed, good or bad, I have his attention. Looking back at the TV, I gulped hard and walked the other way to see something I never wanted to. It's going to motivate me to keep moving, but that doesn't mean I want to see it either way. 

       The wreck was awful. Parts of the plane floating in the sea, some things washing up, and what's worst is that those fuckers stayed around. Of course, I kept my distance from the whole thing as I simply glared at all those people. Reporters started to fly in, starting up their cameras and filming. Homelander and Queen Maeve both stood there as well, and he....he started acting for the camera. Crying like he wasn't the one who sent them to an early grave, the fucker!! I was fuming, but he will get his taste of karma soon enough. Turning my back on the people clapping, I left to walk towards the beginning of my plan. Unbeknownst to me, as I was leaving, Maeve turned as well to catch a glimpse of my back before going out of view. Keeping a steady pace, my phone vibrated with a text. It was from Butcher, "Aren't you gonna face me?" 


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