Leave...For Your Own Good

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       We made it to her house, parking the car a bit away so no one saw it too quickly. "She has a babysitter on hand, let me take care of her and I'll let you in," I told him. He nodded to that, the both of us moving closer to the house. He crouched behind some shrubs be the door while I use my power to teleport to the back. I took out my phone to gain access to any cameras in the area to put it in a constant loop, and once that was done I was over to the sliding back doors. They were unlocked, what a surprise, so I simply walked into the empty downstairs part of the mansion. I heard foot steps heading down towards me, making me quickly hide in bigger shadows in the kitchen area. A woman walked down, unaware of my presence completely. She walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to reach for something, this was my chance. My arm swung around her neck while my hand covered her mouth, leaving her silenced. My arm squeezed her neck tightly as she squirmed and thrashed in my grip until her body fell limp in my arms. Leaving her on the floor for a moment, I let Butcher in finally and locked the door behind him. "It's showtime~" "Let's put on a fucking show then, Mr. Butcher~" 

         We got everything prepped; put the girl's body in the back just because who's gives a fuck, cut off the power, and bring in some 'toys' Butcher had in the back made 'just for that cunt.' I heard a car pull up, gesturing to him to get in position. He sat in one of the side chairs in the living room while I hid slightly waiting for her to walk in. She unlocked the door and walked in without a care, calling out for 'Maria' as she put her bag down in a huff. "Your kid's a sound sleeper," Butcher frightened her. She quickly turned to his voice, seeing part of his face from the light outside shining on him. I walked out to stop behind him, staring straight at her and letting the bright yellow of my mask be my focus point. "Don't worry," He said. "He's alright. Your nanny's sleeping." "Put your phone on the table," I sternly said. She slowly reached for her phone, doing what she told and placing it on the living room low table. Madelyn's smile tried to hide her rapid speed heartbeat, "William Butcher...and..you. The CIA showed me your file, what do you two want?" "Oh, you know what we want." 

      "Well, I don't know know how breaking into my house and threatening my child will get you two Homelander." I wanted a turn at being ominous, stepping up slightly, "All these years, we both have been searching for that cunt's weakness." "He doesn't have a weakness," She smiled. "There isn't any weapon on Earth that they haven't thrown at him. They've all failed." "That's not what we're talking about," Butcher sat still. I completed the thought, "We're talking about you." "Me?" The fear started to get to her, just looking at her anyone could see the sweat on her forehead. Butcher smirked, "You're the only thing he gives two shits about. You're his weakness." No response to that, she knows we have at least most of that correct, or at least she believes us. Butcher nodded me towards the bag in the corner he brought in from the car, letting me get that while he went to get a chair to make her sit in. None of us spoke to each other the whole time, we just tied her to the chair with a bunch of explosives and had to tie the trigger to Butcher's hand. "I never took you for the sacrifice type of person..." I told him as I texted Homelander what was happening.  

       A large thump was heard on the roof, telling that Homelander finally arrived. "Well, well, well," Butcher looked up at the ceiling. "About fucking time. I know you can see through the ceiling. Try to kill me and my trigger finger goes soft," He held hand taped up to the trigger for the C4. "Now, why don't you stop playing rapey Santa and come down and join us?" Footsteps were already heard coming downstairs, it Homelander. He walked down with a smug grin, holding the baby in his arms to make the all of our bloods run cold. "Don't want to upset Teddy, right?" That bastard is going to fucking die soon, I swear it. He addressed Madelyn first, then slowly turned to us while rocking the baby to soothe him. "Billy. Butcher. You don't mind if I call you Billy, right?" He laughed. His eyes went to me, "Who are you?" "Who do you think I am, dick?" He stared at me for a moment...longer than a moment, his eyes scanning me for a long time before he went back to Butcher. 

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